Building Bridges: Make Hydrogen Work – An International Approach

Building Bridges: Make Hydrogen Work – An International Approach

Building bridges: Make hydrogen work – An international appraoch

A report by GroenvermogenNL and the UN Global Compact Young Professionals Program

To develop the international proposition of the Dutch Make Hydrogen Work initiative, GroenvermogenNL commissioned our Young Professionals Program team to conduct a study to understand how The Netherlands can help other countries build their local labour markets for the green hydrogen transition. This research includes understanding the current hydrogen value chain and transition, the skills developments and needs for hydrogen, and providing advice for the offering of MHW in an international context. To identify the skills needs in countries developing their knowledge related to hydrogen and with high potential for collaboration with the Netherlands, research was conducted focusing on South Africa, Namibia and Morocco.

Make Hydrogen Work

With the Make Hydrogen Work initiative, GroenvermogenNL offers professionals who want to become skilled in hydrogen a route to obtaining the right skills. The Make Hydrogen Work initiative is a network of knowledge institutions in the Netherlands that develop and offer hydrogen skills training to professionals. This provides insight into what is already available or being developed regionally.

The report “Building Bridges: Make Hydrogen Work – An International Approach” explores opportunities to roll out the Make Hydrogen Work program internationally as well. In cooperation with GroenvermogenNL, a team from the Young Professionals Program of UN Global Compact Network Netherlands explored opportunities for international cooperation with South Africa, Morocco and Namibia.

All three countries have announced plans to intensify the development of green hydrogen projects on the African continent, and are part of the African Green Hydrogen Alliance (AGHA). Investing in building capacities and skills is essential for creating a skilled labor market and fostering local expertise in green hydrogen technologies.

The report aims to stimulate discussion and promote cooperation in international green hydrogen development initiatives. It provides valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges associated with expanding the Make Hydrogen Work network and underscores the importance of promoting a fair and equitable energy transition.

Nederlands bedrijfsleven gebaat bij brede welvaart, hier en elders

Nederlands bedrijfsleven gebaat bij brede welvaart, hier en elders

Nederlands bedrijfsleven gebaat bij brede welvaart, hier en elders

De voorgestelde forse bezuinigingen op internationale samenwerking zullen verregaande gevolgen hebben voor het Nederlands bedrijfsleven.

Het Nederlands verdienvermogen is onlosmakelijk verbonden met de rest van de wereld. Volgens het CBS verdient Nederland ongeveer een derde van het nationaal inkomen aan buitenlandse handel. Het nieuwe hoofdlijnenakkoord stelt terecht dat Nederlandse bedrijven, groot en klein, moeten kunnen blijven exporteren en dat de Nederlandse industrie van groot belang is voor ons verdienvermogen. Hoewel meer focus en een kritische blik op de uitgaven van belastinggeld goed zijn, zullen de voorgestelde forse bezuinigingen op internationale samenwerking verregaande gevolgen hebben voor het Nederlands bedrijfsleven.

Nederlandse bedrijven en consumenten zijn gebaat bij internationale stabiliteit

Hoe je het wendt of keert, de welvaart van iedereen in Nederland is erbij gebaat als het in het buitenland goed gaat. De huidige geopolitieke situatie zet internationale toeleveringsketens en daarmee het verdienvermogen van Nederland onder druk. Stabiliteit in het buitenland is belangrijk voor Nederlandse bedrijven die vrijwel allemaal deel uitmaken van mondiale waardeketens. Zelfs als dat niet direct het geval is, zijn er altijd leveranciers van goederen, grondstoffen, producten of diensten in het buitenland waarmee Nederlandse bedrijven nauw verbonden zijn. Nederlandse bedrijven willen betrouwbare partners zijn en hebben baat bij stabiele klanten en toeleveranciers. Ontregeling in het buitenland leidt tot verstoringen in deze ketens, waardoor goederen niet geleverd worden met als resultaat verliezen voor Nederlandse bedrijven, minder werkgelegenheid en afnemende koopkracht in Nederland.

Een brede inzet van de overheid, waaronder internationale samenwerking en een goed ambassade netwerk dat zicht heeft op de lokale context, is nodig om bedrijven succesvol in het buitenland te laten ondernemen. Een gecombineerde hulp- en handel agenda heeft als gevolg dat Nederland een welkome partner in het buitenland is en blijft. Deze goede positionering, die decennialang zorgvuldig is opgebouwd, is essentieel voor succesvol ondernemen in het buitenland. Met name sectoren waarin Nederland expertise te bieden heeft, zoals waterbeheer, logistiek, gezondheidszorg en landbouw – sectoren die ook in het hoofdlijnenakkoord worden genoemd – hebben baat bij deze unieke aanpak.

In een wereld waarin internationale toeleveringsketens steeds belangrijker worden voor de welvaart van ons land, is een goede samenwerking tussen het bedrijfsleven, de overheid en NGO’s cruciaal. Deze samenwerking zorgt voor stabiliteit en veerkracht, waardoor Nederlandse bedrijven succesvol kunnen opereren op de wereldmarkt. Daarom roepen wij de coalitie op om onze Nederlandse aanpak, kennis en kunde te blijven ondersteunen met voldoende middelen. Voor bestaanszekerheid nu en straks, hier en elders.

Getekend door:

Jan-Willem Scheijgrond

Jan-Willem Scheijgrond

Voorzitter UN Global Compact NL | Vice President Global Government & Public Affairs Philips

Merei Wagenaar

Merei Wagenaar

Directeur UN Global Compact NL

Looking back on a successful General Assembly

Looking back on a successful General Assembly

looking back on a successful general assembly

5 June 2024

On June 5th, our office in The Hague was buzzing with energy as we welcomed over sixty participating companies in the UN Global Compact to our General Assembly. The event was a resounding success, filled with insightful discussions and valuable networking opportunities. It was a pleasure to reconnect with familiar faces and meet new ones. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended and contributed to the event’s success. We eagerly look forward to seeing you all again at our next General Assembly on December 3rd at Museon Omniversum, where we will continue to build our community!

Keynote and plenary session

We would like to extend our appreciation to Lucas Simons, founder of NewForesight and a renowned pioneer in systemic change and transitions, for delivering a captivating keynote speech that set an inspiring tone for the day. We hope everyone felt motivated to move beyond project-based working and dedicate yourself and your company to becoming a part of a systemic transition.

During the plenary session, we shared updates on governance and upcoming programmes. The 2023 financials were approved following positive feedback from our Audit Committee. We also introduced the new committee, which will include Olaf Brugman (Rabobank) and Adrie Heinsbroek (NN-Group). Another important announcement made was the revised contribution structure, with fees for subsidiary members increasing in 2026. At the next General Assembly, we will vote on a Statutes change.

Breakout sessions

Additionally, we’d like to thank Niels van den Beucken and Jan-Willem Scheijgrond for their engaging presentations during the breakout sessions. The success story of Arte Group and the example of Royal Philips’ commitment to multiple Forward Faster targets provided valuable perspectives and sparked meaningful dialogues among participants.

What to look forward to

Throughout the day we took the opportunity to share news & updates about exciting upcoming programmes and events. Such as:

  • SDG Ambition Accelerator: Is your company ready to take its sustainability targets to the next level? Join our SDG Ambition Accelerator from October 2024 onwards. Indicate your interest.
  • Business and Human Rights Accelerator: Looking for guidance on CSDDD? Join the Business and Human Rights Accelerator, starting October 2024! Express your interest.
  • SDG Flag Day: Show the world your company’s commitment towards achieving the SDGs by raising the flag on 25 September 2024. More information here.​​​​​
  • And last but not least, next year marks the 25th anniversary of the UN Global Compact, a milestone we are excited to celebrate worldwide. Your inspiring contributions during the third breakout session were greatly appreciated.

To everyone who attended: thank you for joining us! If you have any feedback or questions about the event, please feel free to reach out to our Participant Engagement Manager, Linde Reus at Additionally, if you are interested in being involved in our next General Assembly, Linde is the person to contact.

European Peer Learning Group on Climate

European Peer Learning Group on Climate

summary report 5th european peer learning group on climate

Climate reporting according to international standards & EU directives

The European Peer Learning Group on Climate was established in 2019 as an exclusive knowledge-sharing platform with annual meetings of European companies in the field of climate action, and enables discussion, networking, and information exchange with peers and experts. This year, the Spanish Network hosted the 5th EU Peer Learning Group on Climate in Madrid. On 22 & 23 April 2024, 53 companies from 14 European countries met at IE University.

The main aims of the meeting were to enable participants to:

  • Gain valuable insights from experts and peers by delving into approaches and best practices for voluntary and mandatory climate reporting standards.
  • Share experiences and best practices on key topics related to climate reporting according to EU legislation and international standards.
  • Connect with other climate specialists across the European region.

On the first day, participants discussed the main climate international standards and voluntary initiatives such as the UN Global Compact’s Communication on Progress (CoP), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). On the second day, the focus of the meeting turned to the main European regulations that are affecting corporate climate reporting, includingthe recently approved Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD),the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and the classification of sustainable economic activities established by the EU Taxonomy.

The main results of the 5th EU Peer Learning Group are presented in the summary report. 

Internationale Vlaggenactie: hijs de vlag voor de SDG’s!

Internationale Vlaggenactie: hijs de vlag voor de SDG’s!

Hijs de vlag voor de SDGs

Doe mee aan de Internationale Vlaggenactie op 25 september 2024

Laat de wereld zien dat jouw organisatie zich inzet voor het behalen van de SDG's

Het is weer zo ver, de grote Internationale Vlaggenactie komt eraan en jij bent uitgenodigd! Voor de vierde keer op rij wordt eind september door het hele land de vlag gehesen voor de SDG’s. Met de vlaggenactie laten organisaties, gemeenten, bedrijven, burgerorganisaties en scholen zien dat ze deel uitmaken van de wereldwijde beweging. Doe jij ook mee dit jaar?


Hoe het werkt

Bestel je vlag

Je kunt je SDG-vlag online bestellen bij onze lokale partner DVC. De vlag is verkrijgbaar in de maten 100×150 cm voor op de gevel en 150×225 cm voor in de mast. Er zijn twee varianten, een Nederlandse en Engelse vlag.

De SDG-vlag ECO is gemaakt van PETFLAG: duurzaam doek van 100% gerecyclede petflessen.


Hijs de vlag

En schreeuw het van de daken!

De vlaggenactie is een uitgelezen kans om de wereld te laten zien wat jouw organisatie bijdraagt aan het behalen van de Sustainable Development Goals. The sky is the limit! Organiseer een event, rijk een prijs uit of doe een activiteit samen met collega’s. Dit zijn een aantal ideeën over hoe je de vlaggenactie kan inzetten:

  • Gebruik de campagne om te communiceren over een recente duurzaamheidsinitiatief of -rapport.
  • Organiseer een intern of extern evenement om e collega’s te informeren over de SDG’s.
  • Breng je kinderen naar je werk dag en hijs de vlag samen met de nieuwe generatie.
  • Organiseer een open dag.
  • Creëer originele content voor je social media kanalen door foto’s te maken van je team, het management en andere stakeholders met de SDG-vlag.

Zoek een mooie, zichtbare plek waar je op 25 september de vlag kan hijsen. Maak een foto of video van de vlag en deel die op sociale media. Gebruik de hashtag #TogetherForTheSDGs en tag ons:

LinkedIn: @UN Global Compact Network Netherlands

Instagram: @globalcompactnl

Twitter: @GlobalCompactNL

De vlaggenactie is een initiatief van:


A collaborative approach to help develop more effective and sustainable strategies

A collaborative approach to help develop more effective and sustainable strategies

A collaborative approach to help develop more effective and sustainable strategies

Kicking-off the 2024 Peer Learning Groups

Last week we kicked-off this year’s round of Peer Learning Groups with 60+ ambitious professionals ready to make meaningful change. In 2024, UN Global Compact Network Netherlands facilitates three Peer Learning Groups, each focusing on a crucial pillar of sustainable business: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Climate Action; and Human Rights. These Peer Learning Groups serve as incubators of knowledge, fostering deep dives into common challenges and facilitating discussions around them. Through the exchange of best practices, these sessions aim to equip companies with actionable insights, empowering them to navigate complexities and drive positive impact.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

As societal expectations and regulations evolve, the increasing importance of diversity and inclusion in business cannot be overstated. Companies that welcome diversity not only make a statement about their values, but also reap the benefits such as improved employee satisfaction and attracting top talent. However, how do you make sure that diversity is truly embraced at the core of your organization? On the 11th of April we brought together 20+ professionals at the Akzo Nobel HQ in Amsterdam to kick-off our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Peer Learning Group to discuss exactly that.

In this first session we focused on care taking and part time work, a topic that is still mostly effecting women. For example, women in the Netherlands are 17 times more likely than men to do non paid work to care for others. What benefits do companies currently offer part time employees? And how do we re-think career paths to provide opportunities for part timers to grow? During the first half of the session we had a plenary discussion, which was followed by breakout sessions allowing the participants to dive deeper into some of the topics that were previously discussed.

Co-leading companies: Akzo Nobel, Blueyse and Sparks Production

Participating companies: Arcadis, Assent, BCD Travel Services, dsm-firmenich, Heineken, HKV Consultants, IDA Foundation, JCL Logistics Benelux, Invest-NL, JDE Peet’s, Johnson & Johnson, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Philips, Plato Group, PostNL, Sustainable Capital Group and Tsunagu.

Climate Action

Taking climate action is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. On April the 16th, we gathered at the IDA Foundation HQ for the first session of the Climate Action Peer Learning Group to move from policies to action. Over the coming months, these pioneers will come together to share challenges & best practices and help each other move forward faster on topics such as SBTi, climate scenario development and stakeholder engagement.

In the first session we focused on data quality and data driven decisions for measuring and reporting on climate goals and targets. Data collection is crucial for climate goals – that’s not the question – but how do you go about it? And once you have your data, how do you use it to create and implement a data-driven strategy? To provide the participants with extra food for thought, we were joined by guest speaker Justin Strueber, Climate Action Project Manager at Philips.

Co-leading companies: IDA Foundation, Wereldhave and Batenburg Techniek.

Participating companies: Irdeto, United Group, JDE Peet’s, Alfen, Corbion, Eneco, KPMG Nederland, Sunrock, COFCO International Netherlands, BDR Thermea Group, Invest-NL, Unilever, LIPTON Teas and Infusions, HKV Consultants, Deloitte, PostNL, Signify and CSC.

Human Rights

The EU’s commitment to sustainability has led to a wave of new regulations, including the CSDDD and CSRD. Companies are now required to gather, track, and disclose comprehensive data about their impacts on the environment and society, including human rights issues such as labor practices, workplace safety, and supply chain management. On the 18th of April we came together at the NN Group office in The Hague to launch our first Human Rights Peer Learning Group to discuss the legislative landscape surrounding business & human rights, and more importantly, how to navigate the challenges.

The session was opened by a short presentation by Gilles Goedhart, Coordinator Mandatory Due Diligence at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to set the scene, and followed by breakout discussions to brainstorm practical ways on how to use regulation to enhance human rights within the professionals respective organizations.

Co-leading companies: Deloitte, Arcadis and Invest-NL

Participating companies: Alfen, PF Concept, TenneT, Philips, Inter IKEA group, NN Group, Corbion and ERM NL.

Want to learn with us?

Peer learning is a powerful tool in addressing corporate sustainability challenges. Our Peer Learning Groups provide a safe space for professionals, encouraging open dialogue and a collaborative approach helping you to develop more effective and sustainable strategies. By leveraging diverse perspectives, you can create more holistic and impactful approaches to sustainability, leading to improved resource management, cost savings, and a stronger reputation for corporate responsibility.

Interested in joining the next round (2025) of Peer Learning Groups? Reach out to one of our Programme Managers to claim your spot!

Firas Abdulhasain

Firas Abdulhasain

Climate Programme Manager

Jamie Holton

Jamie Holton

DEI and Human Rights Programme Manager

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