Building Bridges: Make Hydrogen Work – An International Approach
Building bridges: Make hydrogen work – An international appraoch
A report by GroenvermogenNL and the UN Global Compact Young Professionals Program
To develop the international proposition of the Dutch Make Hydrogen Work initiative, GroenvermogenNL commissioned our Young Professionals Program team to conduct a study to understand how The Netherlands can help other countries build their local labour markets for the green hydrogen transition. This research includes understanding the current hydrogen value chain and transition, the skills developments and needs for hydrogen, and providing advice for the offering of MHW in an international context. To identify the skills needs in countries developing their knowledge related to hydrogen and with high potential for collaboration with the Netherlands, research was conducted focusing on South Africa, Namibia and Morocco.
Make Hydrogen Work
With the Make Hydrogen Work initiative, GroenvermogenNL offers professionals who want to become skilled in hydrogen a route to obtaining the right skills. The Make Hydrogen Work initiative is a network of knowledge institutions in the Netherlands that develop and offer hydrogen skills training to professionals. This provides insight into what is already available or being developed regionally.
The report “Building Bridges: Make Hydrogen Work – An International Approach” explores opportunities to roll out the Make Hydrogen Work program internationally as well. In cooperation with GroenvermogenNL, a team from the Young Professionals Program of UN Global Compact Network Netherlands explored opportunities for international cooperation with South Africa, Morocco and Namibia.
All three countries have announced plans to intensify the development of green hydrogen projects on the African continent, and are part of the African Green Hydrogen Alliance (AGHA). Investing in building capacities and skills is essential for creating a skilled labor market and fostering local expertise in green hydrogen technologies.
The report aims to stimulate discussion and promote cooperation in international green hydrogen development initiatives. It provides valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges associated with expanding the Make Hydrogen Work network and underscores the importance of promoting a fair and equitable energy transition.