Taking climate action: courageous leadership and commitment – with Feike Sijbesma

Webinar for companies, large and small, interested in the Net-Zero commitment of the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). With speaker Feike Sijbesma (ex-CEO DSM & Chair Supervisory Board Philips).

Will your company commit to SBTi Net-Zero on October 10th 2024 with Paul Polman?
This year’s Sustainability Day on October 10th will mark the third official signing of the Net-Zero commitment of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). Led by Paul Polman, vice president of United Nations Compact Global, ambitious companies will commit to SBTi Net-Zero.

Leading up to Sustainability Day on October 10th Feike Sijbesma (former CEO DSM, Chairman Royal Philips, co-chair WEF CEO Climate Leaders Alliance and co-chair Global Center on Adaptation) will lead a webinar on June 13, 2024,10:00 AM – 11:00 AM on the importance of climate action, how SBTi can help with this, and how this fits with good leadership.

Questions? Reach out to Firas Abdulhasain van UN Global Compact Network Nederland at climateaction@unglobalcompact.nl

This event is a joint effort by UN Global Compact Network Netherlands, IMPACTING.today, VNO-NCW and Van der Molen E.I.S. and Charlotte de Voogd.




10:00 - 11:00

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