Stakeholder inclusion publication

Stakeholder inclusion publication

Stakeholder inclusion publication

Vijf jaar duurzaamheidsdoelen en nog tien jaar te gaan

Global Compact Netwerk Nederland komt met concrete tools voor versnelling van de SDG’s


Reeds een jaar geleden hebben regeringsleiders en CEO’s vastgesteld dat de in 2015 afgesproken SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals, Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen) met deze snelheid niet gehaald gaan worden in 2030. Met de uitbraak van Corona en de impact die dit gehad heeft op volksgezondheid, de economie en armoede, zijn we nog verder van een aantal van deze doelen af komen te staan. 

Met het vaststellen van de SDG agenda is expliciet de rol van het bedrijfsleven erkend; bedrijven moeten met hun innovaties een unieke bijdrage leveren aan de mondiale en nationale uitdagingen en door het nemen van een brede verantwoordelijkheid moeten zij negatieve impact beperken en positieve maatschappelijke impact vergroten. Veel bedrijven zijn actief aan de slag gegaan met het vergroten van hun impact op de SDG’s. Global Compact Netwerk Nederland biedt hen het platform om die impact te versnellen. Uit de voortgangsrapportage van UNGC blijkt dat bedrijven het belang van de SDGs erkennen, maar slechts 35% weet die te vertalen naar hun business doelen. Op 25 september, de SDG Action Day, presenteert Global Compact twee concrete handreikingen aan het bedrijfsleven om werk te maken van meer impact op de SDGs.

SDG Ambitie

Global Compact heeft voor bedrijven in januari in Davos tijdens het World Economic Forum de SDG Ambitie gelanceerd en vervolgens verder uitgewerkt. Als één van de eerste landen gaat Global Compact Netwerk Nederland nu aan de slag met een nationale uitrol van dit programma, met de SDG Action Day als startdag. De SDG Ambitie daagt uit en helpt bedrijven om hun eigen bedrijfsdoelen – die nu nogal smal financieel-economisch zijn op de korte termijn – beter aan de SDG’s te koppelen en scherper te stellen, waarbij niet alleen voor het laaghangende fruit wordt gekozen. Ook leren bedrijven  om de economische, sociale en milieudoelen onderling beter te integreren voor de middellange termijn (tien jaar). In zes workshops gaan bedrijven concreet aan de slag om hun doelen voor de komende tien jaar bij te stellen. In een andere bijeenkomst op SDG Action Day wordt besproken hoe bedrijven daarover transparanter en meer gestroomlijnd kunnen rapporteren.

Nieuwe publicatie over stakeholder betrokkenheid 

Global Compact Netwerk Nederland heeft met support van VNO-NCW een onderzoek laten uitvoeren naar stakeholder betrokkenheid door bedrijven. Zowel vanuit de politiek als vanuit het maatschappelijk veld wordt een grotere betrokkenheid van stakeholders bij de business verwacht. Daarnaast zijn bedrijven ook meer gedreven om de maatschappelijke uitdagingen centraler te stellen in hun business en om tot de juiste maatregelen te komen is betrokkenheid van die buitenwereld cruciaal. Global Compact Netwerk Nederland reikt een inspiratiegids aan, met een model en praktische vragenlijst voor bedrijven om hier stappen voorwaarts in te zetten. 

“This study is a very welcome contribution to recognize that stakeholder inclusion is an important driver in our joint further development: “a better world for all”. It is possible, let’s learn from this study and build on it.”

– Feike Sijbesma,

Former CEO and Honorary Chairman Royal DSM &

Co-Chair Global Center of Climate Adaptation

Op basis van interviews met elf topbestuurders van bedrijven en een aantal vertegenwoordigers van maatschappelijke organisaties en een uitgevoerde survey wordt de bestaande Nederlandse praktijk en best practices rondom stakeholder betrokkenheid beschreven.

De publicatie beschrijft de verschillende niveaus voor zes aspecten van stakeholder engagement. Deze zes aspecten zijn motivatie, het type stakeholders, de wijze waarop targets worden gesteld, de wijze van benadering van stakeholders, het resultaat wat het oplevert en de mate van transparantie die wordt geboden. Bedrijven in de hoogste versnelling bepalen hun doelstellingen op basis van hun impact in de samenleving, maken deze doelstellingen smart en betrekken stakeholders hierbij, waarbij zij zich niet beperken tot de klant, toeleverancier of de aandeelhouder, maar ook maatschappelijke organisaties en zij zijn hier transparant over in hun verslaglegging.  Bij deze diverse versnellingen zijn quotes van CEO’s ter illustratie toegevoegd en cases vanuit deze bedrijven. Aan het eind van de publicatie wordt een vragenlijst aangeboden, die bedrijven helpt stappen te zetten in stakeholder betrokkenheid en in een hogere versnelling te komen.

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Linda van Beek

The programme of the SDG Action Day is announced!

The programme of the SDG Action Day is announced!

The programme of the SDG Action Day is announced!

Cultured meat from the lab, mathematics against hunger, and inclusiveness in education. T hese are three themes that will be discussed during the virtual SDG Action Day on 25 September. The SDG Action Day is organized by SDG Nederland, in partnership with a.o. Global Compact Network Netherlands. This year, under the theme Decade of Transformation, we will look at the important transitions needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030. With inspiring speakers and 38 in-depth workshops, we have a broader program than ever before. But the urgency to get started is also greater than ever with only 10 years to go. Ingrid Thijssen, chairman of VNO-NCW, will speak during the plenary program and will pay attention to the initiative of Global Compact Network Netherlands concerning stakeholder involvement and how this can increase the impact on the SDGs. So get inspired, share your knowledge and start new partnerships on the day for SDG professionals, entrepreneurs, enthusiasts and students in the Netherlands. Tickets are now on sale from €10,-.

Transformations That what it is all about on 25 September at the 2020 edition of the SDG Action Day. What structural changes do we need on the road to a sustainable 2030? Because the coronavirus has once again made us realize that we have to do things differently. That is why we are talking to Stientje van Veldhoven (State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management) about the transition to a fully circular economy, and with Ingrid Thijssen (incoming VNO-NCW chairman) we are looking at inclusive employment.

We ask Feike Sijbesma (coronation envoy and initiator NL 2025) about his focus points for the next 10 years, and National SDG Coordinator Sandra Pellegrom comes up with a state of affairs about the SDG’s in the Netherlands. Talitha Muusse, from Coalition Y, subjects the speakers to critical questions, and Miss Netherlands and NVVN-ambassador Sharon Pieksma puts the celebration of 75 years UN in the spotlight and ends the day with a DJ set during the virtual network drinks.


During the SDG Action Day Global Compact Network Netherlands organizes one of the 38 workshops. During this workshop our Senior Sustainability Advisor, Hugo van Meijenfeldt, will tell you more about the steps you can take as a company to implement the SDGs, using the program developed by UNGC, the SDG Ambition. SDG Ambition.

SDG Ambition programme

SDG Ambition programme

SDG Ambition Accelerator

Apply today

As we approach the 2030 Agenda deadline, the private sector is increasingly becoming an important player of the solution. Accelerating progress requires companies to develop business strategies that fully integrate the SDGs and help build more inclusive and sustainable societies.

The SDG Ambition Accelerator is a six-month accelerator that challenges and supports participating companies in setting ambitious corporate targets and creating actionable plans to help them reach their goals. Companies can select benchmarks linked to the Forward Faster targets and use the 8-step approach to integrate the SDGs into core business management to deliver long-term value to their business and society. Almost 70% of companies from previous rounds have committed to adopting SDG Ambition Benchmarks associated with the Forward Faster-initiative.

What will you learn during the six-month SDG Ambition program: 

● A clear understanding of the baseline impacts across the company essential for developing a comprehensive sustainability strategy.
● How to set goals that align with ambitious benchmark targets, positioning your company as a front-runner.
● How to identify sub-goals and track performance indicators to evaluate progress and support iterative decision-making.
● How to develop a business case and build support for sustainability within your company.
● An opportunity to enhance your communication and reporting practices in line with the Communication on Progress (CoP).

For whom is the SDG Ambition?

We encourage our members committed to strengthening corporate goals and taking action to advance the SDGs to participate!

Each company appoints two representatives to participate in the program. Additionally, an executive-level “Ambassador” is appointed to track developments in the program and provide support as needed.

Are you considering to join the SDG Ambition Accelerator but still have some questions? Join our online info session on 5 September. Register here. 

The SDG Ambition Approach

The SDG Ambition Accelerator supports companies in applying the SDG Ambition Benchmarks into their core business strategy. The program follows an 8-step approach to guide companies in elevating their ambition and embedding the SDGs into their operations.

By the end of the program, participants will have developed one or more revised or new goals, aligned with an SDG Ambition Benchmark. Along with a clear action plan for implementation.


Application deadline

23 September 2024

Start Accelerator

October 2024

End Accelerator

March 2025

Questions about the programme or registration? Reach out to

Lotte Mastwijk, Manager Communications & Sustainability at LC Packaging describes the disruptions in their operations directly linked to challenges such as climate change and fossil fuel scarcity. To alleviate risks and to reduce the consequences of these disruptions she then emphasizes the need to define strategies to build supply chain resilience, such as investing in climate change mitigation and climate-resilient infrastructure and to green the company’s operations, and eliminate dependency on fossil fuels.

Participating companies

Ambition Guide: Setting Goals for the Decade of Action

This publication establishes the initial set of SDG Ambition Benchmarks that challenge organizations to set more ambitious goals and targets in the areas in which business is positioned to have a substantial impact. Business leaders can use this document to support their strategy and set goals ambitious enough to deliver the SDGs by 2030.

Integration Guide: Designing Business Systems for the SDGs

This publication presents the approach through which the ten SDG Ambition Benchmarks can be integrated into core business processes and systems to enable effective measurement & management of sustainability performance. Business leaders can use this publication to identify the system opportunities to integrate the SDGs into core business processes.

SDG Ambition Benchmark Reference Sheets (for consultation)

These documents provide illustrative details regarding the steps to integrate each of the SDG Ambition Benchmarks into a company’s business systems, as well as the key design decision required to engage technology partners.

SDG Ambition – Scaling Business Impact for the Decade of Action

This publication is an introduction to SDG Ambition — a new initiative of the UN Global Compact. By raising ambition, deepening integration, and embracing new technologies we believe business can become a leading actor in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With the launch of SDG Ambition, the UN Global Compact is proud to share its new SDG Implementation Framework, which aims to guide companies to deepen integration of the SDGs and Ten Principles into business strategy, operations, and stakeholder engagement.

SDG Action Day 2020

SDG Action Day 2020

SDG Action Day 2020

De SDG Action Day return on 25 September – this year in a virtual setting. Under the title ‘Decade of Transformation’, we will discuss how we can accelate the sustainable transitions on the SDGs.

Day’s chairman Talitha Muusse will host a plenary conversation with people like, Feike Sijbesma, Stientje van Veldhoven and Sharon Pieksma. More quests and elements of the program will be announced in August. With more then 35 workshops spread over three rounds, we have a broader programme than ever.

The Action Day will bring various Dutch sectors together, with the aim to inspire, activate and connect. By joining forces, we can take action to accelerate specific SDGs and bring it to a next level.

We can’t ingore the Corona Crisis. The crisis makes us think about how we can make the world more resilient to major shocks, like a pandemic. The SDGs are now more important than ever to avoid another crisis and to be stronger if it does occur. This is exactly why we focus on transitions.

SDG Action Day 2020 is also an anniversary edition, with five years of Sustainable Development Goals behind us and ten more to go. Join in and gather insights, contacts and tools to really make a difference in the years of effort.

Info en tickets are now available on

2020 Global Compact Network Netherlands SDG Pioneer

2020 Global Compact Network Netherlands SDG Pioneer

2020 Global Compact Network Netherlands SDG Pioneer

Friday 3 July during the virtual event of Global Compact Network Netherlands, we announced who the 2020 SDG Pioneer of the Netherlands has become. It is the second year that Global Compact Network Netherlands will present this award to a professional who makes an exceptional contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals in his or her work in an innovative and impactful way. The Dutch winner will compete for the global title UN Global Compact SDG Pioneer 2020. Companies and organizations have the opportunity to nominate people for this title. A jury consisting of experts from industry, NGO and universities had the challenging task of choosing a winner. Global Compact Network Netherlands is pleased to announce that Diana Visser, Senior Director Sustainability at Corbion, has become the 2020 Global Compact Network Netherlands SDG Pioneer!


Diana Visser will represent our network during the global submission round. Last year, SDG Pioneer Dylan McNeill received the 2019 SDG Pioneer award in New York during the UN General Assembly. Diana has done impressive work on the SDGs in her role as Senior Director Sustainability at Corbion. In her role, she has ensured that the SDGs 2, 3 and 12 are fully intertwined with the company’s strategy and, together with her team, have set ambitious goals to contribute to the 2030 Agenda.

In addition, Diana has initiated a network of SDG Ambassadors at Corbion, colleagues with a passion for sustainability representing all Corbion locations, to share best practices and inspire other colleagues within the organization.


Runner-up Fredric Petit

De SDG Pioneer runner-up is Fredric Petit. Fredric is the CEO of Vibers, a company dedicated to making plastics, concrete, paper and cardboard more sustainable by developing advanced technology and materials using a powerful crop: Elephant grass (or Miscanthus). Vibers’ bioplastics are all bio-based, most of them being bio-degradable, without polluting the environment with micro-plastics or hazardous substances. As the CEO of Vibers, Fredric sets strategic targets, recruits and coaches the team, establishes key partnerships and secures funding from investors. He is personally motivated to contribute to multiple SDGs, namely SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption and SDG 13: Climate Action, by maximising the impact of Vibers on long-term CO2 sequestration.


About the SDG Pioneers campagne

The SDG Pioneers campaign is part of the “Making Global Goals Local Business” campaign. Each year, United Nations Global Compact recognizes a group of SDG Pioneers: future business leaders who make a difference in their business to make a positive impact for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 2020 is the second year that the campaign has been rolled out to the UN Global Compact local networks. All employees of Global Compact companies could register or be nominated by colleagues within the company.


About Global Compact Network Netherlands

Companies face unique challenges to work responsibly and have different opportunities to make a positive impact. The local networks of UN Global Compact Promote the sustainability of companies at the base level in more than 85 countries by making Global Goals Local Business.

Global Compact Network The Netherlands strives to mobilise a local movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders with the aim of improving the lives of future generations.

Guided by the Ten Universal Principles and the 17 SDGs we support companies and stakeholders in understanding what responsible business means within a global and local context and provide guidance to translate sustainability commitments into action.

Global Compact Network Netherlands stimulates and facilitates the creation of local connections and catalyzes companies and stakeholders to achieve Agenda 2030.

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