SDG Action Day returns on September 25th, 2020 and this year’s edition will be virtual. With the theme ‘Decade of Transformation’ we will be looking at stimulating sustainable transitions based on the SDGs. This year’s edition is also a ‘birthday edition’, with 5 years behind us and only 10 years to go to achieve the SDGs. The SDG Action Day is a day for people in the Netherlands who are working with or are interested in the SDGs. The main language of the day is Dutch and both plenary sessions will be in Dutch. But we will have a number of workshops in English – these are listed below. Tickets are on sale now via the button below. Clicking the button will open an Eventbrite popup. A ticket will give you access to the workshops and networking opportunities. During the registration you will select the workshops that you would like to follow.

During the SDG Action Day Global Compact Network Netherlands organizes one of the 38 workshops. In this workshop, our Sustainability Advisor Hugo van Meijenfeldt will tell more about the SDG Ambition.

Workshop: Do you do what you say?



Entrepreneurs, administrators, researchers and NGO’s of all generations have been busy over the past five years with the 17 goals and 169 sub goals. Efforts were mainly focused on incorporating the mission, strategy, goals and reports of the organization in which they work. Research has shown that the formulation has been successful on many points, but that the implementation still has to start for the most part. Because five years have already passed and continuing to write down tends to SDG-washing, the next ten years will have to focus on implementation. This workshop deals with the complex decision-making on 17 goals with four types of instruments (rules, money, technology and communication) in good governance (partners/stakeholders, transparency, integrity). There is something to learn from some companies.

This is what you get out of the session
Ideas on how to make responsible decisions in one’s own work, thanks to insight into all those pieces of the three-dimensional SDG jigsaw puzzle.

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