Take part: Survey Sustainable Development Goals for business

Take part: Survey Sustainable Development Goals for business

Take part: Survey Sustainable Development Goals for business

This year too, we would like to ask your attention to the annual SDG Survey. With this survey we want to map trends and developments about the way companies are working on the Sustainable Development Goals, such as their policies and activities that contribute to climate change, the energy transition and diversity in the workplace. The survey results are used for the business paragraph of the national public-private SDG report, which will be sent to the Parliament and the United Nations, among others.

We really appreciate your contribution. You can complete the survey until March 11th via this link.

Many thanks on behalf of the participating organizations, Global Compact Network Netherlands, VNO-NCW, MKB-Nederland, MVO Nederland, Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition, Groene Groeiers, Social Enterpise NL, Dutch Banking Federation and SDG Netherlands.

Sustainable Development Goals
Participant Engagement Manager

Participant Engagement Manager

Position Title: Participant Engagement Manager

Location: The Hague, the Netherlands


The Participant Engagement Manager, Netherlands, will be responsible for supporting participating companies in the UN Global Compact in The Netherlands and recruiting more responsible businesses to join the initiative in The Netherlands. Working closely with our global Outreach & Engagement team, the Manager will be responsible for recruiting companies and ensuring that each one has a clear understanding of the expertise, tools, support, training, and convening opportunities available to them as participants of the UN Global Compact. By attracting businesses to join and efficiently access this support, the Manager will enable businesses to more effectively shape their business strategies and operations to help the world meet the SDGs while also delivering strong business results.



  • Develop and deliver national growth strategy and plan – as agreed during ‘One Global Compact’ annual planning cycle.
  • Leads outreach and engagement in The Netherlands through presentations, public engagements, marketing partnerships, etc. to extend the awareness and reach of the UN Global Compact among relevant business audiences.
  • Attracts businesses to join the UNGC through effective communication of the value and support that the UN Global Compact delivers to business participants.
  • Personally manages business prospect pipeline from vetting to timely follow-up to prospect conversion to joining.
  • Leads in the onboarding of new business participants, supporting them to be able to make most use of their participation in the UN Global Compact.
  • Nurtures excellent relationships with UN Global Compact business participants in The Netherlands. Understands their business needs, their sustainability challenges and helps them avail of the relevant engagement opportunities the UN Global Compact offers to help them set and make progress on ambitious sustainability goals.
  • Builds an understanding of business participant needs. Gathers feedback and provides insight back to the UNGC team to help direct strategy and plans to better meet business needs.
  • Actively uses and shapes tools to improve Participant Engagement efficiency, and company satisfaction, including the Global Compact database, CRM software (Salesforce), tracking and reporting systems.
  • Helps business participants with ongoing administration and customer support: application review, on-boarding, annual reporting (Communication on Progress), maintaining and updating company profile/contact info, logo requests, etc.


  • Passion for client service and client impact (incl. Key Account Management)
  • Persuasive and engaging communication skills:
  • Advanced proficiency in key digital tools (Salesforce/other CRM systems)
  • Proven delivery of results



  • Outstanding feedback from companies participating in the UN Global Compact in The Netherlands.
  • Increased numbers of companies joining the UN Global Compact in The Netherlands.
  • Increased awareness of the UN Global Compact and the value proposition and support it delivers to businesses in The Netherlands.


  • Integrity: Demonstrates the values of the United Nations in daily activities and behaviors; acts without consideration of personal gain; resists undue political pressure in decision-making; does not abuse power or authority; stands by decisions that are in the Organization’s interest, even if they are unpopular; and takes prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behavior.
  • Professionalism: Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; and remains calm in stressful situations.
  • Respect for Diversity: Works effectively with people from all backgrounds; treats all people with dignity and respect; treats men and women equally; shows respect for and understanding of diverse points of view and demonstrates this understanding in daily work and decision-making, examines own biases and behaviors to avoid stereotypical responses, and does not discriminate against any individual or group.


  • EDUCATION: A first-level university degree in business administration, management, economics, political science, social science or related field.
  • WORK EXPERIENCE: Three plus years of experience in account management, sales & marketing, customer support, or related field. Experience in the field of sustainability is a significant advantage.
  • Affinity with the Sustainable Development Goals is required
  • Proficiency in English and Dutch is required.


To apply for this job, please send your CV and motivation letter to beek@unglobalcompact.nl.

Women in Business

Women in Business

Women in Business

The Target Gender Equality programme unfolded the past year at Global Compact Network Netherlands. This is a programme that helps companies to accelerate gender equality within their organizations. Here Amelia Lopez Huix, the Gender Equality Implementation Partner, guided the companies in setting ambitious corporate targets for women’s representation and leadership.


Women in business in the Netherlands

According to an article in ‘het FD’ there is a slight growth in the number of female entrepreneurs. But there is still a lack in venture capital and private equity, and across various sectors. A lack of female founders, executives and investment managers.


My name is Peter

In the past week, many women changed their names on LinkedIn to Peter. This is a campaign of Women Inc. and Branded /u. The aim is to increase awareness about the lack of female representation in leadership positions.

The new legislation should help to change this narrative. The Senate of the Dutch parliament agreed to instate a womens’ quota. This means that organizations are required to set targets. Apparently, it is necessary to push businesses to offer women the same opportunities as their male colleagues.


Target Gender Equality programme

From 15 March 2022, you can apply to join the second round of the Target Gender Equality programme. Companies such as Uber, Signify, Heineken and MediaMonks participated in the first round of the programme in the Netherlands. In 44 countries more than 800 companies joined.

83% of companies participating in Target Gender Equality are creating new targets or revising existing targets on women’s representation in top management and leadership, with 67% of companies setting targets for the Board Level.

Target Gender Equality contributed to a 45% increase in companies using the WEPs Gender Gap Analysis Tool in 2020 to assess their gender equality performance.

Learn more about this acceleration programme by visiting our website or contact Amelia Lopez Huix via lopezhuix@unglobalcompact.nl.



Women’s Empowerment Principles

Target Gender Equality

Interview with Amelia Lopez Huix: ‘Gender equality is imperative to any company that wants to remain competitive in the economy of the 21st century’

Interview with Amelia Lopez Huix: ‘Gender equality is imperative to any company that wants to remain competitive in the economy of the 21st century’

Interview with Amelia Lopez Huix: ‘Gender equality is imperative to any company that wants to remain competitive in the economy of the 21st century’

Yesterday, 17 January 2022, was the start of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. This annual meeting, will be hosted virtually due to COVID-19. During the WEF hosts a series of virtual plenary sessions. One of them is the Virtual Equality Lounge. Today, 18 January 2022, at 4:30 pm GMT is the session ‘How to Advance Women’s Leadership in Male-Dominated Industries’. Amelia Lopez Huix, Target Gender Equality Implementation Partner at Global Compact Network Netherlands, is the moderator.


Virtual session ‘How to Advance Women’s Leadership in Male-Dominated Industries.’

The Female Quotient’s Equality Lounge @ Davos is a flagship event. Over the course of three days, the event will gather business luminaries and world leaders to explore global imperatives including gender equality, pay equity, the future of work, and climate change. In the sessions, speakers will assess the current state of global equality and align on solutions that will close the gaps and steer industries towards a more equitable future.(See the full programme here)

The session ‘How to Advance Women’s Leadership in Male-Dominated Industries’ is organized by the UN Global Compact and convenes leaders engaged through Global Compact Local Networks in different regions implementing the Target Gender Equality initiative. During this session, female leaders from various industries will address how they personally tackled stereotypes and share their solutions to questions like: How can you set realistic but ambitious targets for women’s leadership when female workforce participation is extremely low? How do you ensure flexibility when working from home is not an option? How can you anticipate backlash and engage male leadership and colleagues in meaningful ways?


Start of Lopez Huix’s work on gender equality

‘As a daughter of a working mother and having been raised aware that my opportunities as a female could possibly be challenged by societal expectations, I grew up as a girl driven by a strong, resilient, and holistic approach to embark on different opportunities that would offer me possibilities to develop myself in an empowering context. With that mindset, I became a Spanish Champion and Swimmer for the Olympic Games of Barcelona 1992. Later on, my professional career was developed at Honeywell INC, where I was the European IT Managing Director.

My work on gender equality started when I became a mother. After experiencing life and a career full of opportunities, I happened to experience the systemic phenomenon called the “motherhood penalty”. The motherhood penalty is the sharp decline in earnings that women suffer after giving birth. This is one of the principal causes of the gender pay gap. It often locks women into lower incomes for the rest of their careers.

It was in that moment that I decided to become not only a strong advocate for women’s rights, but also to embark on a professional journey to start a new career at the United Nations as an expert and advisor on gender equality. In 2010, I joined my first United Nations Commission on the Status of Women to actively participate in the global dialogues for economic and social policy interventions at the country level. Since then, I have been full committed to support the advancement of the Gender Equality agenda by working as an expert and advisor on gender economic equity to different Ministries of Economy and UN Agencies, especially at the ILO, UN Women and the UN Global Compact.

Since 2015, with the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals, my work on SDG5 for Gender Equality is focused on supporting companies in the signature and implementation of the WEPs (Women Empowerment Principles). Currently, I am supporting the Global Compact Network Netherlands in the facilitation of the Target Gender Equality Programme.’

Men can be an ally for gender equality

By understanding the fact that gender equality means business. In that sense, more and more companies, especially CEOs and management level positions understand that gender equality is not only a moral imperative, is directly linked to business performance.

More than ever, taking bold action to increase female representation and leadership in business is needed. Public support for gender equality from the business community is stronger than it has ever been: over 8000 business leaders have signed the CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles, and when asked, 85% of CEOs agree that “Women’s participation and leadership in business is a critical driver of company performance”.


of the ender diverse companies are more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry means;


of the boardrooms are gender-balanced, enterprises are more likely to have improved business outcomes.

Support the change from within

Lopez Huix is inspired by new legislations and efforts in this regard, especially in the narrative that gender equality is key for corporate sustainability. More and more companies are embedding gender equality no more as a stand-alone item in the agenda next to Human Resources for the sole purpose of attracting new talent, but for the mainstream of diversity, equity and inclusion strategies that try to maximize the impact of programs and initiatives at all business levels, to bring innovation, well-being, team building and very positive business outcomes for companies to consider the needs of their employees and customers fully.

In that sense, companies are creating new figures, like the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officers. Lopez Huix’s message to executives and managers that want to work on gender equality within their organization would be to embark together in that mission, to support the change from within, with the comprehension that diversity, equity, and inclusion is here to stay, not to create opposed differences between diverse talent, but to lead together creating fair and equal opportunities for all.

Having a strategic and intentional approach to gender equality, diversity, equity and inclusion is imperative to any company that wants to remain competitive in the economy of the 21st century.

Links for more information about:

Women’s Empowerment Principles (WePs)

Target Gender Equality

UN Global Compact

Virtual Equality Lounge @ Davos

PwC supports social enterprises

PwC supports social enterprises

PwC supports social enterprises

PwC is an international accounting, tax, and financial advisory firm. PwC has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since June 2002. In the Netherlands, PwC is also committed to solving social-cultural challenges. PwC has integrated the Sustainable Development Goals into its business processes and strategy. They have set the ambition to be fully circular by 2030. In addition, they work together with various social enterprises.

One of the organizations PwC works with is Social Enterprise NL. This cooperation has existed since the start of Social Enterprise NL in 2012. In November 2021, PwC extended the cooperation again for three years. This cooperation aims to strengthen each other and to increase impact. It is how PwC uses its financial knowledge and expertise to help members of Social Enterprise NL grow. Social Enterprise NL is the national network of and for social enterprises.


‘Strengthening each other and increasing impact’

The support of PwC consists of pro bono work, in other words, free advice. That means that, among other things, they provide guidance during change and upscaling processes.

PwC is also a member of a buy social network. That means that PwC makes part of its purchases from social entrepreneurs such as Brouwerij de Prael: a small-scale brewery in Amsterdam. They offer a workplace to people who find it hard to find a job elsewhere. Another example is Plastic Whale, a social enterprise that makes boats and office furniture from plastic waste.


Reporting on impact

‘Reporting is crucial for everyone, but especially for social enterprises. For many companies, it is still a challenge. This while non-financial information is becoming increasingly important to send. It applies to both social entrepreneurs as well as large companies. In the coming years, we must help each other to make this information more transparent and therefore better to steer.’

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