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Does your organization have a sustainability strategy? Share your experience and make a difference for both corporate and societal sustainability by taking part in our Positive Impact Research.
Report on Human Rights Due Diligence in the Consumer Goods Industry
The Young Professionals Program has released a comprehensive report outlining best practices for Human Rights Due Diligence within the Consumer Goods industry. The objective of this initiative is to foster a more principled and ethical business environment, considering the complex nature of the global Consumer Goods industry, with its intricate and extensive value chains.
How to raise climate awareness in your organization
Raising climate awareness in your organization can be a challenge. Professionals share their perspective on how to make a case for climate change within the organization.
Implementing Sustainable Finance Principles is not a solitary endeavor but a collaborative partnership.
On Oct. 17, 2023, the Dutch financial sector gathered at the Principles on Integrated SDG Investments & Finance event to discuss the implementation of the Sustainable Finance Principles.
Beneath the Surface: Why Climate Change is a Human Rights and Gender Issue
Beneath the Surface: Why Climate Change is a Human Rights and Gender Issue. Climate Change is intrinsically linked with human rights and gender equality. It threatens human rights and affects such rights even disproportionally depending on the social category of...
Inclusive Marketing & Communications
This year, UN Global Compact NL is piloting two peer learning groups, one on Gender Equality and one on Climate Action. The goal is for the participating companies to learn more about these important topics, dig into the challenges that they are facing, and exchange...
From obstacles to opportunities
From obstacles to opportunitiesUN Global Compact NL was a partner at the event "Halfway through the SDGs: in search of game changers, " organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Nov. 9, 2023. The breakout session was organized in cooperation with UNICEF, VNO...
Recruiting & Retaining Women Employees
Recruiting & Retaining Women Employees From de-biasing adverts, to advocating for more affordable daycareThis year, UN Global Compact Network Netherlands is piloting two peer learning groups, one on Gender Equality and one on Climate Action. The goal is for the...
UN Global Compact Network Netherlands calls on businesses to join the Business & Human Rights Accelerator. Increase business action on human rights by joining
UN Global Compact Network Netherlands calls on businesses to join the Business & Human Rights Accelerator. Increase business action on human rights by joiningProgramme helps companies move from commitment to action on human rights and laboro rights The Hague, 8...