“We will not accept a coalition agreement without the SDGs as a compass”

“We will not accept a coalition agreement without the SDGs as a compass”

“We will not accept a coalition agreement without the SDGs as a compass”

All sectors – from young people to business and finance – actually want the same thing: a government that creates a plan for the future of the Netherlands, in which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are central. It is the most important conclusion at the annual “Route 2030” meeting.

Today, 19 May, is Accountability Day. Traditionally, the moment scrutinize the previous year’s public policy. When it comes to sustainability, two reports are put on the table: the Monitor Brede Welvaart en SDG’s of the CBS and the Fifth National SDG report ‘Nederland Ontwikkelt Duurzaam‘.

This shows that in the Netherlands, with 9 years to go until the deadline in the year 2030, there is a lot of work to be done. Not that it’s all doom and gloom. Our health has improved over the past year – despite the corona. Our disposable income has increased. We recycle a little more and even use resources a touch more efficiently.

But that doesn’t disguise the fact that there are a lot of shortcomings under the skin. “The Netherlands is really in the European rearguard when it comes to climate action,” said Jan-Pieter Smits, project manager of the Broad Prosperity Monitor and SDGs at CBS. “Our emissions remain very high. We continue to put great pressure on natural capital elsewhere in the world.” Those major issues, along with issues such as declining literacy and slow progress on gender equality, are key areas of focus for the Netherlands.

A 6 for our responsibility for “there and later”

Moderator Harm Edens asked Smits what score he would give the Netherlands based on the above reports. “A good 8 when it comes to SDGs in the Netherlands itself,” replied the one. “But only a 6 when it comes to our responsibility to future generations and other countries.” The major impact of our lifestyles on places elsewhere in the world, especially developing countries remains a major problem.

So much for the problem statement. What today was about were solutions. To that end, a 20-member panel, physical and digital, had gathered at Nieuwspoort in The Hague, along with over 850 online participants, representing various sectors.

Kim Putters, director of the Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP), immediately drew an important conclusion: “Although the fact that the numbers look more or less good, we feel that things are changing in our society,” he said, referring to the sustainability transition and the effects of the corona crisis. “Then you have to put a dot on the horizon to indicate the new direction.”

‘Such broad public support is a luxury for politicians’

The meeting revealed how much unanimity there is on that dot on the horizon. Because it wasn’t just Putters who talked about the importance of the SDGs and broad prosperity. Floris Mreijen, deputy director of the Netherlands Bankers’ Association (NVB), also made it crystal clear: “We see a very broad coalition of parties who all want the same thing. They are calling out to politicians: build a sustainable coalition agreement. Make the SDGs central to it. It’s a luxury for politicians if you have such broad social support.”

Earlier, Linda van Beek, director of Global Compact Network Netherlands, explained how companies are already fully committed to those sustainability goals. “You would think that they would have other things on their minds. But a majority put more effort into the SDGs last year.” Maria van der Heijden, director of MVO Nederland, also talked about the enormous will to innovate among the large group of companies affiliated with her umbrella.

And it doesn’t stop with business. Young people also see how the SDGs can help move in a new, sustainable direction after the crisis. Maurice Knijnenburg, president of NJR and SER youth platform, wants a voice in that process: “Such a coalition agreement should not be something between politicians,” he says. “Young people should also have a voice in it.”

In short, there was a unified block with a clear message to the new cabinet. Rina Molenaar, director at the NGO Word and Deed summed it up succinctly. “We will not accept a coalition agreement without the SDGs being the compass,” she said.

Not settling for “we’ll fix it later”

Three members of the House of Representatives listened in and were able to respond. Joris Thijssen of PvdA joined the speakers. “We need to make the goals very concrete” he said. He referred to the climate agreement, for example. “If the targets are not met (as with the climate agreement, nvdr.), we cannot accept that. We can no longer settle for the answer: we’ll fix it later.”

But Ruben Brekelmans (VVD), whose party had a hard time picking up the SDGs in the past, also sees the goals as a clear guideline now. “The SDGs need to be taken up government-wide,” he said. “Not just by Foreign Affairs.”

With that, he was on the same page as Raoul Boucke (D66), who said that in his opinion the SDGs in the new cabinet will be invested in the Ministry of General Affairs, under the prime minister. Boucke also expressed the importance of the government holding itself to agreements made.” If we don’t do it ourselves, we can’t ask others to do it either.”

No escape anymore

Can the new cabinet still escape this call, moderator Edens asked Maresa Oosterman, director of network organization SDG Netherlands.

“I don’t think so,” replied the one. “I hope that on Accountability Day next year the Prime Minister will be sitting here. That she tells how we have found a way out of the difficult situation we are now in – with a corona crisis, with a biodiversity crisis. And that the SDGs have given us the necessary perspective to work towards.”

“We will not accept a coalition agreement without the SDGs as a compass”

Fifth National SDG Report published on Accountability Day: ‘Nederland ontwikkelt duurzaam’

Fifth National SDG Report published on Accountability Day: ‘Nederland ontwikkelt duurzaam’

On Accountability Day, 19 May 2021, the fifth Dutch SDG Report is published, ”Nederland ontwikkelt duurzaam”. Global Compact Network Netherlands (GCNL) is one of the organizations that wrote this publication. GCNL has written the corporate chapter.

Within the business and financial sectors, the SDGs are an important topic. In fact, in a survey we commissioned specifically for this SDG report, 89% indicated that they had incorporated the SDGs within their business strategy and core operations. You might expect that because of Corona, companies could pay less attention to the SDGs because they were in dire straits. Strikingly, this proved not to be the case; for 71% of companies, the corona pandemic had not had a clear negative impact on their SDG commitment, in fact 66% said they had paid more attention to the SDGs in the past year. We also see this in the great interest there was in GCNL’s SDG Ambition programme, in which companies formulate concrete goals on the SDGs and translate them into their business.

Phases of the Global Goals

Phases of the Global Goals

Phases of the Global Goals

Be inspired. Be bold. Be ambitious.

In this video series, you’ll see various organizations in different phases of their sustainability journey. Organizations such as Philips, IDA Foundation, and RAW Paints are part of this series. Learn how these and other organizations, as a part of the UN Global Compact, are working to make a positive impact on the Global Goals and how they align their business strategy with the Ten Principles. Get inspired and start. Big or small, everybody can make a difference.

Johnson & Johnson Netherlands

Eline Dekeyster

SDG and Communicty Impact Lead

Bart van Zijll Langhout

Campus Lead


Loek Dalmeijer

Group Sustainability Officer

Atrium Groep

Jan van Reest



Marlou Leenders

Global Head of Sustainability


Edwin Huizing

Executive Director


Martijn van der Ven

Founder and Director

Gemeente Leeuwarden

Friso Douwstra


Hein Molenkamp

Managing Director, Water Alliance

IDA Foundation

Wendy Eggen


Floor Toxopeus

Sustainability and Strategic Communications Lead

RAW Paints

Willemijn Wortelboer



Jan-Willem Scheijgrond

Global Head of Government and Public Affairs

The inclusion of company names and/or examples in this video series is intended strictly for learning purposes and does not constitute an endorsement of the individual companies by Global Compact Network Netherlands

Ready to take action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Publication Doing Business with Respect for Human Rights – November 2016

Publication Doing Business with Respect for Human Rights – November 2016

During the UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rightsfrom November 14 – 16 in Geneva, the Global Compact Network Netherlands with Shift and Oxfam Novib launched the publication ‘Doing Business with Respect for Human Rights‘ and an online portal.

On November 23, the publication and online portal were presented and discussed with entrepreneurs during the Broodje B lunch meeting of VNO-NCW (in cooperation with the Social and Economic Council and GCNL).

Business Actions to Eliminate Child Labour

Business Actions to Eliminate Child Labour

Business Actions to Eliminate Child Labour

2021 is the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour


152 million children are still subject to child labour today. Children should be in school, not at work. No child should be deprived of a childhood, safety, health or education. Child labour has no place in our society, and companies have a duty to stop child labour. It is time to accelerate the pace of progress and for business to take practical actions to help eliminate child labour for good.

Ending child labour and all forms of forced and compulsory labour is integral to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. Our participating companies are committed to stopping these abuses, however, most companies have not yet moved beyond policy commitments to take concrete actions to end child labour and forced labour. A wide gap between business aspiration and business action persists. In response to this, the UN Global Compact is prioritizing this topic, aligned with the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, and calling on its business participants to submit their 2021 Action Pledge by 15 May.

The UN Global Compact 2021 Action Pledge on eliminating child labour reflects our commitment to work with our participants and engage actively with all relevant stakeholders to step up efforts to help end the scourge of child labour and forced labour. We wish to inspire companies by sharing good practices and mobilizing them to translate business aspirations into business actions.

Central to this is our call to companies to step up their due diligence on human rights and to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for all adverse human rights impacts in their operations and value chains, which will help tackle child labour and forced labour. Making a real impact will require adopting a holistic approach and collaborating with all stakeholders. Your company can make a difference by taking action to end child labour for good.

Submit your pledge before 15 May 2021

What pledges can business take?


Companies are sometimes indirectly involved in child labour — without even knowing it. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration) are internationally agreed guidelines that can help businesses eliminate child labour. According to these guidelines, companies should carry out due diligence in their supply chains.

Companies of all sizes and from all sectors can take specific actions that contribute to ending child labour in their operations and supply chains. Pledges should aim at being achieved by the end of 2021. Supporting educational and apprenticeship programmes for the next generation and joining forces with other companies to ensure sustainable progress is made will be crucial to achieving impact at scale. Examples of possible pledges include:

  • Establish management procedures for introducing child labour due diligence in business operations
  • Develop guidance on due diligence, remediation and monitoring, using best practice from a multi-stakeholder approach
  • Comply with industry codes, local law or international standards — whichever provides the higher protection for children
  • Establish an apprenticeship programme to reduce the rate of hazardous child labour in the 15–17 age group by offering a decent work alternative
  • Join a multi-stakeholder initiative such as the UN Global Compact Decent Work in Global Supply Chains Action Platform and/or an “International Framework Agreement” with one of the sectoral global unions

Submit your pledge before 15 May 2021

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