Meet the new board member: Marlou Leenders from Randstad

Meet the new board member: Marlou Leenders from Randstad

Meet the new board member: Marlou Leenders from Randstad

Randstad is the global leader in the HR services industry. They help people to find jobs and shape their careers through innovative solutions and services. They operate in over 38 countries with over 40 thousand employees.

Marlou Leenders, the new board member of Global Compact Network Netherlands, is the Global Head of Sustainability at Randstad. In her role, she is responsible for the overarching sustainability strategy. With KPIs and target planning, her goal is to help Randstad contribute to a more positive society with their services.

Marlou Leenders

Marlou Leenders

Global Head of Sustainability, Randstad Group

Randstad and their sustainability journey

Randstad joined UN Global Compact in 2005. Since then, they have continued their partnership with the hopes of solving global challenges through systemic approaches. Companies must collaborate with other organizations, governments, NGOs, and various stakeholders to achieve these goals.

“UN Global Compact is valuable in bringing different parties together. As a global organization, they share a similar approach that aligns with our global vs. local approach, where our companies can focus on global themes while working towards local challenges.”

Randstad focuses on 5 SDGs: 4- Quality Education; 5- Gender Equality; 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth; 10- Reduced Inequalities and 13- Climate Action. Their main contribution lies in SDG 8, where they can help society thrive by bringing people to the right jobs and jobs to the right people. In doing so, they can promote inclusivity within the recruitment process.

Leenders chooses to focus on 5 of the 17 SDGs. Although they are all important, specialization is the best way to make the most impact. At Randstad, Leenders finds it counterproductive to take on more SDGs that are not within the focus of Randstad already. By matching Randstad’s KPIs to UN Global Compact’s Principles, they can elevate their impact and become the global leaders for those 5 SDGs.

“Don’t wait, and don’t ask for permission.”

Leenders her advice to other professionals is: “Don’t wait and don’t ask for permission. Just go. Everybody can make an impact and be sustainable, no matter what kind of job We need everyone. We don’t need more sustainability managers, but we need good sustainable procurement officers, accounting personnel for ESG reporting, and facility managers to help make buildings more sustainable. Find the sustainability angle within your role and find like-minded people to create a snowball effect. Find people who are just as motivated, and then start from there.”

Leenders’ personal sustainability journey

Leenders feels the need to help individuals on a personal level. Through their partnership with Tent, Leenders is a mentor for a refugee from Turkey. She helps her navigate through the Dutch labor market, specifically on the mentee’s needs, for example, how the interview process works in the Netherlands and how firm your handshake should be. This mentorship allows Leenders to connect with the mentee and learn about her stories, strengths, and difficulties she has faced in their life.

Meet the new board member: Marco Barsoum from Sparks Production

Meet the new board member: Marco Barsoum from Sparks Production

Meet the new board member: Marco Barsoum from Sparks Production

Sparks Production is a Social Enterprise that develops structural solutions for social challenges. Through research, concept development, strategic management, and implementation, Sparks Production advises private and governmental parties on how to effectively and innovatively achieve their social ambitions.

Marco Barsoum, the new board member of Global Compact Network Netherlands, is the Founder of Sparks Production. From an early age, Barsoum has been passionate about how he can contribute to societal challenges, help individuals within his community, and fight structural inequality in society. With Sparks Production, his goal is to contribute to a new societal perception of ‘a successful company’. A perception that values social impact as much as financial returns. His goal is to innovate a revolutionary way of entrepreneurship with methods that put the social impact first.

Marco Barsoum

Marco Barsoum

Founder, Sparks Production

”My goal with Sparks Production is to change the structural design in how we combat social issues and challenges. By inherently integrating self- sustainable concepts into our strategy, we can create projects that have societal benefits and contribute to societal problems in the long run.”

Sparks Production’s contribution to society

Barsoum seeks to help small, medium, and large enterprises primarily focused on financial returns in adopting a more “people-focused” approach to business. The goal is to create an accessible and long-term structure for industries to contribute toward human rights.

“For the community, within the community”

Before developing impactful solutions, Barsoum and his colleagues seek to understand the community’s needs and experiences. Typically, the experiences of those living in certain socioeconomic positions differ from the needs and experiences of those whom Sparks Production tries to help.

“One of our functions is to bridge the ‘language barrier’ between the two worlds– because they are two different worlds. Once we know the needs of the communities, we can ‘translate’ them into the corporate ‘jargon,’ i.e., the language of the people who can execute these changes.”

The SDGs are not one dimensional

At Sparks Production, they focus primarily on the social SDGs. Each project has a specific goal, for example, to reduce inequalities; however, in doing so, Sparks Production also promotes education, no poverty, and good health and wellbeing.

“What personal life?”

Barsoum lives and breathes the SDGs in both his personal and professional life. Perhaps a bit too much as his work tends to intertwine into his private life. His friends can find his determination to change the world endearing but also a bit bold; regardless, they understand his passion and strive to contribute similarly.

What sparks Barsoum’s passion for change is his humble upbringing. He was lucky enough to have supportive parents and capabilities, allowing him the opportunities to get to his position now. With his fortunate position, he devotes his time to giving back as much as possible.

Think about the future

Barsoum’s advice to companies and young professionals, “Think about the future, think about the year 2030. Look at the market and realize that there is a generation of individuals who are aware and knowledgeable about the future. These youngsters want to know how these products they consume affect the planet and the people around them. If companies do not start changing their processes now, the market for their products will decrease in the long run. We all are responsible for our planet and what we consume on it. You don’t need to look far away, just start with making a difference locally.”

Meet the new Board Member: Andrea van Dijk from Invest-NL

Meet the new Board Member: Andrea van Dijk from Invest-NL

Meet the new board member: Andrea van Dijk from Invest-NL

Invest-NL is a Dutch government-owned venture capital, impact investment firm that finances innovative scale-ups looking to transition to a low-carbon economy or develop innovative technology.

Andrea van Dijk, the new board member of Global Compact Network Netherlands, is the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Officer at Invest-NL. Van Dijk, alongside the Invest-NL impact engineer, works on developing ESG and impact investment policies, measurable frameworks, and KPIs for every investment.

Invest-NL and their sustainability journey

Invest-NL’s most significant impact is through their investments. Every investment has a clear impact rationale that is measurable and reportable. Therefore, SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production and SDG 13 – Climate Action links to Invest-NL’s carbon neutrality and circular economy objectives.

“While our impact investment agenda clearly links to the SDGS, our ESG process refers more to the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles. We want to focus on doing things the right way. Once we decide that something is a suitable impact investment, and this investment clearly contributes to our transition towards a carbon-neutral economy, we encourage the investee company to implement sustainability principles at all company levels.

Andrea van Dijk

Andrea van Dijk

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Officer, Invest-NL

Invest-NL invests in small to medium enterprises with very ambitious growth plans. Van Dijk’s role is to ensure all those growth plans have a sustainability agenda. By joining Global Compact Network Netherlands’ board, van Dijk hopes to get an in-depth overview of the various initiatives for SMEs that want to contribute to sustainable development but might not have the means to do so.

For example, an innovative battery technology that replaces critical materials. We want to ensure that the people creating those batteries work under safe labour conditions. e manage that investment’s environmental, social, and governance risk factors by asking the right questions and encouraging them to professionalise their sustainability management.”

Van Dijk explains that creating diversity within investment teams is an important priority for Invest-NL’s own sustainability journey. There is a clear willingness to promote more diversity in investment teams. However, there is still a practical challenge where there is not enough diversity within the pool of potential new colleagues. Invest-NL seeks to provide solutions for these challenges through bias training during the recruitment process and by being more open to recruiting talent from different sectors or industries – focusing less on past investment experience.

Van Dijks sustainability journey

Van Dijk strives to promote gender equality in her day-to-day life. With her three daughters in mind, she hopes they enter a world without biases– something van Dijk acknowledges may be a bit of a “dream.”

“I hope my daughters will not encounter the same biases I have experienced. As a woman in the financial industry, I have been luckier than most. I cannot say the same about bigger corporations or politics where men mostly run the show. Therefore, as a parent, I educate my children on this topic and strive to break gender roles or stereotypes they may get from others.”

“Don’t lose hope… Look for an ally.”

Van Dijk advises young professionals, “Do not lose hope and continue speaking up. If you are speaking up from a perspective of hope, it is much more powerful than speaking out of despair– although sometimes it can be the feeling behind it. Look for allies. Sometimes grey-haired, fifty-plus men can be allies. Don’t fear.”

Meet the new board member: Jenny Wassenaar from Trivium Packaging

Meet the new board member: Jenny Wassenaar from Trivium Packaging

Meet the new board member: Jenny Wassenaar from Trivium Packaging

Trivium Packaging “Trivium” is a global leader in metal packaging, serving some of the world’s most recognizable brands. They offer customers around the world innovative and sustainable packaging solutions supported by scalable global production and outstanding customer service. At Trivium, they incorporate climate actions across their three foundational pillars representing the name Trivium which is Latin and stands for “The three roads coming together”: Customer, Planet, and People.

Jenny Wassenaar, the new board member of Global Compact Network Netherlands, is the Chief Sustainability Officer at Trivium Packaging.

Trivium and their sustainability journey

The Sustainable Development Goals are a part of Trivium’s DNA. Becoming the “circularity champion” is how they defined their sustainability strategy with the ultimate goal to become the partner of choice for quality and sustainable packaging. Being a circularity champion means pioneering change and engaging in stakeholder collaborations that protect, promote and preserve resources. Simply put, it enables them to contribute to a circular economy and act as a force for good.

Jenny Wassenaar

Jenny Wassenaar

Chief Sustainability Officer, Trivium Packaging

“The world needs packaging. Products we buy need protection, foods we consume need preserving, and brands we love need to find ways to stand out on crowded shelves. Yet, our desire for safety, convenience and differentiation should not come at the expense of future generations and their ability to sustain themselves. I fundamentally believe that quality packaging does not have to be at odds with the planet— and with our teams at Trivium, we work hard to demonstrate that every single day. For the sake of our customers, our planet, and our people.”

Underlying the circularity champion are three pillars that cover their value chain. Within each pillar, they have set ambitious targets that they aim to achieve by 2030. For example, they closely monitor their energy consumption and emissions, maximise their recycling rates, optimise the use of secondary packaging materials, manage waste appropriately, and limit water usage.

Trivium joined the UN Global Compact in 2021. They committed to the Ten Principles and focus on 8 of the SDGs: 4- Quality Education; 5- Gender Equality; 6- Clean Water and Sanitation; 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth; 9- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; 12- Responsible Consumption and Production; 13- Climate Action; and 17- Partnership for the Goals. Wassenaar believes that by joining the UN Global Compact, they can scale their sustainable development globally and seek to learn and contribute to the international network and vast resources available to organisations.

Wassenaar thinks it is ambitious to commit to 8 goals. However, by combining the circularity in their materials and in the actions they take as an organisation they strive to uphold all of these commitments. Trivium makes the most impact with SDGs 9, 12, and 13.

Along with changing activities in the workplace, Trivium also creates knowledge documents that are freely available to their customers.

In their annual survey of consumer perceptions of sustainability in packaging called “Global Buying Green Report”, Trivium along with the Boston Consulting Group, interviewed more than 15,000 end consumers across Europe, North America, and South America

“We aspire towards a fully circular economy, where materials are kept in endless loops of use and reuse. By sharing timely insights that can help customers and end consumers make more informed sustainable purchasing choices, we take a further step toward true circularity. “

and explores their values and behaviours with respect to both sustainability and packaging. The survey reveals insights on consumer willingness to pay for eco-friendly packaging and consumers’ perceptions of packaging materials.

Wassenaar’s goals for the future are to do more on SDGs 17-Partnership for the Goals and 5- Gender Equality. By joining the UN Global Compact, they can expand their network and become more active in working beyond their industry. For Gender Equality, Trivium Packing seeks to create a “true balance between men and women in production locations.” This is still a challenge as more men than women are working on the production line, which is why they have created an Inclusion and Diversity working group, giving employees the ability to provide guidance on what they can do differently in the future.

Wassenaar’s Personal Sustainability Journey

Wassenaar strives to follow all the SDGs in her personal life. With four children, she makes sure to raise them with sustainability in mind. Recently, the family has turned vegetarian in an effort to consume less meat and be aware of their carbon footprint. The family collectively buys second-hand, whether that be clothing or furniture.

Moreover, Wassenaar and her family have taken in Ukrainian refugees. They all understand that they cannot solve all the problems in the world, but they can take small steps every day to make changes and adjustments that contribute to social issues and sustainability.

“Be courageous and be kind”

Wassenaar says: “My advice is always to be courageous and be kind. If you see something that you want to change, then take action: speak up and stand up. However, always look beyond your own needs as your decisions also influence others.”

Meet the new Participant Engagement Manager

Meet the new Participant Engagement Manager

Meet the new Participant Engagement Manager

Global Compact Network Netherlands has expanded their team with a Participant Engagement Manager since 1 July 2022. Monica engages with companies and organizations which want to join the UN Global Compact network. She will also have conversations with current participants to ensure they make the best use of the programs and services of UN Global Compact and Global Compact Network Netherlands.


Mónica Pascual, Participant Engagement Manager at GCNL

My name is Mónica Pascual, 32 years old and I live in Rotterdam.

From an early age, I have been fascinated by various cultures. I have searched for different scholarships for academic experiences abroad; for example exchange study in Boston, English courses in L.A., Erasmus in Mannheim, Santander Scholarship in Mexico, and the latest scholarship which brought me to the Netherlands. This has broadened my horizon and driven me to work together so we can lead the change that the world needs.

Monica Pascual Peñas

Monica Pascual Peñas

Participant Engagement Manager

During my seven years working for PROMPERU Benelux & Scandinavia (Promotion board of Trade & Tourism of Peru), I have developed a network of more than 2,000 professionals. I had the chance to manage projects within the HQ and other institutions, such as CBI, RVO, and SIPPO. By working hand in hand with SMEs, large enterprises and cooperatives, I have developed my passion for, and understanding of supply chains, and have enhanced my interest to seek new opportunities and contribute to implementing the sustainable change our planet deserves.

The UN Global Compact network helps empower, accelerate, and scale the global collective impact of sustainability. It has motivated me to include it in my daily work, to spread the message and to make the organization achieve their maximum potential. I am looking forward to being part of Global Compact Network Netherlands and can’t wait to meet your organization!

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