A new way to communicate your progress is coming

A new way to communicate your progress is coming

A new way to communicate your progress is coming in 2023

When you join the UN Global Compact, you are taking an important, public step to transform our world through principled business. Participation makes a statement about your values, and it benefits both society and your company’s long-term success. The Communication on Progress (CoP) is a visible expression of a company’s commitment to sustainability which is mandatory to comply with annually.

This year, we launched our new reporting system for our CoP. With this new format, we will transition from a narrative format to a standardised questionnaire supported by a digital platform that will facilitate the reporting of the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles to our participating companies.

This 2022 ten Dutch participants participated in the ‘early adopter program’ testing the new reporting system. Thanks to their support we have improved the platform and will be available to all the business participants next March 2023. What do you need to know for next year’s CoP?

New unified deadline

We will also introduce a universal submission period that runs from 1 March through 30 June each year starting in 2023. The companies that don’t report before June 30th will appear on our website as Non-Communicating and will be able to submit their CoP until the 31st of December. The companies that will fail to report will be delisted and automatically expelled from the Global Compact from the 1st of January 2024.

Why is the new CoP better?

The new Communication on Progress will result in improved data that drives sustainability progress and enables participating companies like yours to:

  • Build credibility and brand value by showing their commitment to the Ten Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Measure and demonstrate progress to stakeholders on the Ten Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals, in a consistent and harmonized way.
  • Receive insight, learn and continuously improve performance by identifying gaps, accessing guidance, and setting sustainability goals.
  • Compare progress against peers with access to one of the largest sources of free, public, and comparable corporate sustainability data.

Your communication process ready in 2 steps

The new reporting system will have 2 mandatory steps:

  • Step 1: Complete the online questionnaire
  • Step 2: E-sign the CEO’s statement of continued support

Do you want to know more? Take a look at the new CoP policy, the questionnaire, and the questionnaire guidebook where we explain the structure of the questionnaire as well as a deep dive into each question and how it related to reporting standards.

Do you have questions about the new CoP? Join our upcoming Q&A webinar on December 13th at 2 PM.

Register by clicking here.

Roundtable: Mapping businesses’ influence on children’s rights

Roundtable: Mapping businesses’ influence on children’s rights

Roundtable: Mapping Businesses’ Influence On Children’s Rights

“Government, take the lead!”

On Monday 28-11, a group of stakeholders from various sectors, including businesses, government, academia, youth leaders, international organizations, and others committed to protecting children’s rights gathered by the invitation of Save the Children, UN Global Compact and UNICEF.

10th Anniversary of the Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP’s)

The occasion was the 10th anniversary of the Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBPs). These have been jointly developed by Save the Children, UN Global Compact and UNICEF, in consultation with children, businesses, investors, governments, civil society, trade unions, national human rights organisations and the United Nations. The organisations also recently released the joint report: Charting the Course: Embedding Children’s Rights in Responsible Business Conduct and in extension a Dutch paper. This report outlines key achievements and themes that need to be addressed to accelerate the impact on children through business actions and policy decisions.

What Do Dutch Companies Need To Do?

The invitees, including representatives of FNV, PostNL, Bugaboo International, ABN AMRO, Tony’s Chocolonely, het Kinderrechtencollectief, de Bond van Adverteerders, Raccoon Games, VNO-NCW, Fonds Bestrijding Kinderarbeid (FBK), and het Kennisnet were given three themes on children’s rights: international value chains, the digital environment, and the platform economy. What followed was a lively conversation in which concerns were expressed about, among other things, the – often complex – approach to child labour in developing countries. Furthermore, the working conditions of young employees of delivery services were discussed, as was the need for education for children, parents, and teachers within schools and at home around digital literacy.

“By having a conversation with all kinds of stakeholders together, you increase the awareness that affects children in many different ways. It is not only about child labour, but also about poverty, destruction of the living environment, parental stress and dangerous marketing. We all have to work together to make things better for children, everyone agreed on that.” Linda van Beek (Director UN Global Compact Network Netherlands).


The main conclusion that emerged was that the government should take a leading role in the:

  • Protecting children’s rights;
  • Hold companies accountable for their responsibility (and take measures if necessary);
  • Making consumers more aware of the ‘true price’ of products and services;
  • Raising prices of certain products and services to ensure fair production and trade.

Companies need to:

  • Respect and protect children’s rights in all parts of the chain;
  • Make known what is needed by the government;
  • Dare to be a forerunner when it comes to fair and sustainable business;
  • Incorporate the rights of children in the design of products and services, and also involve children and young people directly in the designs to prevent possible harm.

And for all parties:

  • Make it known that children’s rights are still violated on a daily basis;
  • Keep discussing it and…

Keep working together!

Peer Learning Groups

Peer Learning Groups

Bringing together sustainability professionals to connect, share and learn

The business world today is defined by speed, innovation, and scalability. At the UN Global Compact, we can help you make valuable connections so you can make true progress on your sustainability journey. Our Peer Learning Groups (PLG) provide a safe space for companies to share their best practices and challenges on a variety of sustainability topics while gaining access to industry experts and unique networking opportunities. The sessions are participant-driven and highly interactive.


In 2024, we will run 3 peer learning groups:

Applications for this year are closed. Interested in joining a Peer Learning Group in 2025? Reach out to peerlearning@unglobalcompact.nl

Climate action

In this Peer Learning Group we cover topics such as SBTi net-zero pathway, Just Transition, Climate Scenario Development, Climate Roadmap Development and Collective Pathway Creation.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

During these sessions you’ll work on topics such as improving equality within the company between people of different genders, ages, cultural backgrounds, physical and mental abilities, and how to report and monitor your company’s progress.

Human Rights

This PLG covers topics such as due diligence & legislation at the global/EU/local level, living wage, child labour, and occupational safety hazards (OSH).

Note: A company can participate in multiple Peer Learning Groups at the same time, but we ask you to send different company representatives to each group. 

Join if you want to:

  • Exchange best practices and challenges with peers on themes of your interest in a confidential, constructive, and educational environment
  • Increase your visibility on practices in relevant areas towards peers by participating in peer learning group discussions and presentations
  • Establish yourself as an ambassador within the UN Global Compact NL on your chosen topic, which can lead to speaking opportunities at our events, programmes, and global/regional platforms


  • 10-20 participating companies, each represented by 1 or 2 employees
  • 6 sessions a year between March and November. This includes 1 welcome call (1 hour), 4 in-person workshops (3 hours), and 1 in-person closing reflection session (2 hours)
  • The groups are run in English (unless all group participants prefer Dutch).


  • Participants must be able to demonstrate that they have reached a certain level of maturity in the thematic area of the relevant peer learning group
  • Participants must be able to join the workshops and closing session in person
    • We will have an onboarding call on 12 March 2024:
      • Climate Action: 09:30 – 10:30
      • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: 11:00 – 12:00
      • Human Rights: 14:00 – 15:00
    • Each company pays a fee of €250

Responsibilities co-leading companies

  • Hold preparation meetings, invite lecturers, set the agenda, manage the budget
  • Run the PLG sessions; record keeping and documentingen
  • Support UNGC NL in creating an outcome document
  • (Optional) – Run sub-groups
  • There will be an online onboarding on 5 March 2024 for co-leading companies. It’s important to be available for this call.

Responsibilities participating companies

  • Have 1 or 2 company representatives who will actively participate
  • Provide input for PLG Meetings if applicable
  • Attend at least 4 meetings
    • If participating organizations misses more than 2 sessions, they will be removed from the group and will not be mentioned in the outcomes document.
  • Provide feedback to UNGC NL and co-leads to help improve format

Meet the Chairman of the Board: Jan-Willem Scheijgrond

Meet the Chairman of the Board: Jan-Willem Scheijgrond

Meet the Chairman of the Board: Jan-Willem Scheijgrond 

Philips is a purpose-driven company that aims to improve the health and well-being of 2 billion people annually by 2025 through innovation. They aim to lead with innovative solutions that combine products, systems, software, and services and leverage clinical and operational data. Their responsibility towards society and the planet is rooted in their founders’ vision and deeply embedded in how they do business.

Jan-Willem Scheijgrond, the Chairman of the Board of UN Global Compact Netherlands, is The Vice president of Global Government & Public Affairs (GPA). He leads the network responsible for the relations with governments and related stakeholders to address societal challenges. The role of GPA is to be an influential advocate amongst key supranational, international, and national government stakeholders on critical health and corporate-related issues. This of course includes advocacy on issues such as the human right to health and addressing climate change.

Jan-Willem Scheijgrond

Jan-Willem Scheijgrond

The Vice president of Global Government & Public Affairs (GPA), Philips

Philips and their contribution to SDG’s

Philips has chosen 3 sustainability goals (SDGs) to focus on as they believe that they can take the lead in advancing these goals specifically. Achieving good health & well-being (SDG 3) is most aligned with their core business. However, they set other ambitious goals for 2025 where the main focus is on mitigating climate change (SDG 13) and driving the transition to a circular economy (SDG 12).

“We are doing so by introducing circular business models, making our products, even more, energy efficient, and reducing the number of materials used. We will also minimize waste and team up with customers, partners, and suppliers to reduce our shared environmental footprint. I am really proud of Philips’ strong environmental commitments – we all believe it is our responsibility to leave a healthier planet for future generations.”

Scheijgrond’s personal SDG goal

Although an environmental engineer by training, Jan-Willem Scheijgrond also strongly focuses on a social SDG: gender equality.

“I am a member of the High-Level Commission on the Follow up of the ICPD25, the UN conference that made 12 commitments to improve women’s health, rights, and empowerment. What I noticed is that this isn’t a big private sector focus. That is a pity, as most of the commitments are common sense and make business sense. A lot of the inequality between genders is based on unawareness or ignorance, which is why stronger private sector commitments can be so powerful. By discussing these topics, they become visible, understandable, and solvable.”

 “The same passion, a different goal, great learning journey!”


Scheijgrond’s personal advice to other professionals about integrating the SDGs into their business and personal lives is as follows:

“There is no right or wrong way to go about it. However, make sure the goals you decide to work on motivate you and your colleagues or family. If you are the only one passionate about the goals you selected, you either selected the wrong ones or need to become a better ambassador for your program. You could also challenge yourself to pick an SDG to work on that you may be less familiar with. Just like UNGC selected a number of SDGs which still receive too little attention from the Private Sector.  Look at me: I started out as an environmental engineer working on solid waste management and now I am passionately defending gender equality. The same passion, a different goal, great learning journey!”

Vacature: Executive Director

Vacature: Executive Director

Executive Director – UN Global Compact Network Netherlands

Locatie: Den Haag, Nederland

UN Global Compact is het grootste corporate duurzaamheidsinitiatief van de wereld, bestaande uit meer dan 17.000 bedrijven en 3500 non-business leden, verspreid over meer dan 160 landen en met 69 lokale netwerken over de hele wereld. UN Global Compact en de lokale netwerken vormen een duurzaamheidsbeweging van bedrijven, die geholpen worden bij hun commitment aan de Tien Principes van UN Global Compact betreffende mensenrechten, arbeid, milieu en anti-corruptie en bij het vergroten van hun positieve impact op de Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Het lokale netwerk van UN Global Compact in Nederland (GCNL) zoekt een Executive Director, die leiding geeft aan de Nederlandse vereniging en het bureau en die het Nederlandse bedrijvennetwerk representeert in de mondiale organisatie.

GCNL is op zoek naar een energieke, ervaren duurzaamheidsleider. Iemand die affiniteit heeft met de dienstverlenende houding richting leden van een netwerk of vereniging. Een purpose-gedreven persoon met een intrinsieke motivatie voor en volle commitment aan corporate sustainability. Een persoon die het lef heeft om strategisch de duurzaamheidsagenda in Nederland te beïnvloeden en die het boegbeeld van UN Global Compact is in Nederland richting bedrijven en externe stakeholders. Iemand die gelooft in de kracht van het bedrijfsleven om duurzaamheid te versnellen en die bedrijven helpt bij het vertalen van hun duurzaamheidscommitments in concrete impact.

Het Nederlandse netwerk van UN Global Compact heeft de afgelopen jaren een grote groei doorgemaakt. Hiermee ontstaat er ruimte om de positie van GCNL in Nederland verder uit te bouwen met een full-time Executive Director die hier leiding aan geeft. De Executive Director moet in staat zijn de operationele organisatie en het budget te managen. Daarnaast de strategische lijnen uit te zetten en te implementeren gericht op het vergroten van de duurzaamheidsimpact van de Nederlandse bedrijven en het bereik van het netwerk richting andere bedrijven, waaronder het MKB te vergroten. Een facilitator die de leden helpt bij het implementeren van de SDGs in hun business, gebruik makend van de kennis en middelen van het wereldwijde netwerk van UN Global Compact. Een verbinder die de organisatie extern krachtig vertegenwoordigt en de samenwerking met strategische stakeholders zoals de overheid en de bredere civil society  versterkt.

De Executive Director schakelt op regelmatige basis met het Global Compact Office in New York (GCO) om de lokale strategie af te stemmen op de UN Global Compact beleid en de UN Global Compact kwaliteitsstandaarden. Ook vertegenwoordigt de Executive Director het lokale netwerk op het mondiale niveau en werkt samen met vertegenwoordigers van andere lokale netwerken om de impact van UNGC op te schalen en te versnellen.

Global Compact Network Netherlands selecteert kandidaten op basis van competenties en talenten, ongeacht herkomst, leeftijd, geslacht, gender, seksuele oriëntatie of handicap. Etnisch-culturele minderheden worden sterk aangemoedigd te solliciteren.



  • 7 tot 10 jaar werkervaring, ervaring met het leiden van een ledenorganisatie.
  • Affiniteit met de private sector en corporate sustainability of aanverwante terreinen.
  • Goed begrip van de UN Global Compact Tien Principes en de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen en enthousiast over de kansen die deze bieden voor bedrijven.
  • Ervaring met het werken in een internationale context en cultureel sensitief.
  • Uitstekende netwerk- en interpersoonlijke vaardigheden en in staat om GCNL bij high level- evenementen, in de media en multi-stakeholder bijeenkomsten te vertegenwoordigen en in staat om strategische partnerschappen te ontwikkelen.
  • Ervaring in het managen en door-ontwikkelen van een team en het betrekken van een professioneel bestuur bij het bereiken van resultaten.
  • Sterke schriftelijke en mondelinge communicatieve vaardigheden, vloeiend in Nederlands en Engels.
  • Een bewezen begrip van de belangen, kansen en behoeftes van het Nederlands bedrijfsleven bij het implementeren van corporate sustainability
  • Teamplayer, iemand die de teamleden individueel in hun kracht zet en het team in zijn geheel professioneel en persoonlijk laat groeien.


Wat bieden wij

  • De kans om zowel binnen de VN-familie als onder de Nederlandse stakeholders een ambassadeur te zijn voor de Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Met de ondersteuning van een breed en ervaren bestuur de kans om verzelfstandiging en groei van het lokale netwerk te realiseren in een cruciale periode naar de 2030 doelen.
  • Een inspirerend, enthousiast, professioneel en betrokken team in Nederland binnen een bredere internationale organisatie
  • Een informele en ambitieuze werksfeer
  • Breed netwerk van multinationals en ook MKB bedrijven
  • Geheel vernieuwd kantoor in Den Haag, ruimte voor hybride werken
  • Marktconforme arbeidsvoorwaarden



Wij vragen je belangstelling voor 18 november kenbaar te maken via het insturen van CV en motivatiebrief. Je wordt aangemoedigd om een persoonlijke video ter introductie en toelichting van de motivatie in te sturen.

Deze kan je sturen aan selectiecommissie Executive Director GCNL, ter name van Jan-Willem Scheijgrond. Mailadres: ExecutiveDirectorposition@unglobalcompact.nl.

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