Report on Human Rights Due Diligence in the Consumer Goods Industry

Report on Human Rights Due Diligence in the Consumer Goods Industry

BE human, be kind: human rights due diligence within the consumer goods industry

A report by the UN Global Compact Young Professionals Program

The Young Professionals Program team from the UN Global Compact, formed in January 2023, has released a comprehensive report outlining best practices for Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) within the Consumer Goods industry. The team, comprising of eight individuals from diverse professional fields, has devoted their expertise to elucidate and enhance the application of HRDD within the sector.

The objective of this initiative is to foster a more principled and ethical business environment, considering the complex nature of the global Consumer Goods industry, with its intricate and extensive value chains. Monitoring and resolving potential human rights violations across these chains are complex tasks that span multiple geographies and supplier tiers.

The report presents an analysis of various approaches towards HRDD from entities within the consumer goods industry, shedding light on the best practices adopted by these organizations. The guiding principles for this report are the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights. The report showcases strategies that exceed mere compliance and contribute significantly to advancing this agenda globally.

The methodology uses six steps of HRDD, as defined by the OECD, providing a foundation for the analysis. These steps serve as an insightful guide, presenting exemplary practices implemented by consumer goods companies, therefore creating a robust blueprint for successful HRDD implementation.

On the 21st of February 2024, the report was officially released during a launch event with talks from Human Rights experts Jamie Holton and Thijs van Brussel.

How to raise climate awareness in your organization

How to raise climate awareness in your organization

How to Raise climate awareness in your organization

In 2023, UN Global Compact Network Netherlands facilitated two Peer Learning Groups: one on Gender Equality and one on Climate Action. The goal is for the participating companies to learn more about these important topics, to dig into the challenges that they are facing, and to exchange best practices that can help overcome these challenges.

Raising climate awareness in your organization can be a challenge, especially considering the amount and complexity of knowledge that is available. How can you increase awareness in our organization? During the fifth and final session of the 2023 Climate Action Peer Learning Group at the Invest-NL HQ, thre professionals shared their perspective on different ways to make a case for climate change within the organization.

One possible approach is gamification. By applying game elements and principles to illustrate complex topics such as the causes and consequences of climate change, ‘players’ often experience enhanced engagement and motivation. An example of gamifying climate action is Climate FRESK. The game is simple and based on scientific knowledge. It comprises 42 cards and can be played with three groups of eight players each.

Another approach is to track your carbon footprint. During the Peer Learning Group session, Jo Hand from Giki Zero explained why tracking your carbon through helps to raise awareness. The platform is developed and based on scientific knowledge and includes 160 steps to build a sustainable lifestyle. It provides feedback, motivates colleagues to learn more about sustainability, and increases engagement with each other within the organization by addressing different personalities.

Being carbon literate is essential in combating climate change. Carbon literacy means “an awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions on an individual, community, and organizational basis.” Phil Korbel, from The Carbon Literacy Project, explained how to become carbon literate and emphasized that it is not enough to learn by oneself, but that you should be involved in peer-to-peer social learning. By learning from peers, you develop a sense of belonging, trust, and support, as well as gain recognition and appreciation for skills and contributions.

Lastly, Martine Kruiswijk, from KlimaatGesprekken, stressed the transition from awareness to action, since this is not always a given. Any behavioral process takes time, and it is vital to go through this process together by engaging with your colleagues and friends.

After these inspiring contributions of the speakers, the participants carried out a plenary discussion about how to use these methods within their own organization. Each participant created a five-step action plan and shared their outcomes with their peers in breakout rooms.

We’d like to grant a special thanks to the host of this session, Andrea Dijk, from Invest-NL. She has shared how Invest-NL is staying inspired to keep progressing on climate ambition. Increasing time investment between colleagues, benefiting the knowledge contribution from invited speakers, organizing impact challenges for teams, and informing everyone with an ESG & Impact newsletter can help organizations create internal motivation and awareness.

Inclusive Marketing & Communications

Inclusive Marketing & Communications

This year, UN Global Compact NL is piloting two peer learning groups, one on Gender Equality and one on Climate Action. The goal is for the participating companies to learn more about these important topics, dig into the challenges that they are facing, and exchange best practices. This blog captures our companies’ peer learning journey.

For our fifth gender equality session, we dove into the complexities of digital ethics and the power of inclusive language. The session was hosted by co-leads Deloitte and Oxycom and brought together voices from 9 companies across various sectors. Here’s a glimpse into the key takeaways and the enriching discussions that unfolded.

Companies who want inclusive marketing must consider Digital Ethics

Hilary Richters, Director and Lead Digital Ethics at Deloitte, explained that digital ethics is a necessary contribution in creating inclusive digital solutions. The EU’s impending Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act will regulate the use of technology affecting human rights. However, Hilary emphasized that companies should not only adhere to regulations, but proactively choose ethical practices throughout the digital solutions life cycle.

One example of how companies can do this is by carefully considering the benefits and risks of using customers’ data for personalized marketing. For instance, if a customer indicates they like pink items, they might appreciate receiving ads for pink shoes. However, companies can also inadvertently harm a customer – for instance, this article describes how Target deduced that a customer was pregnant and sent coupons for baby items to their home – causing their father to find out without their consent. As research by Deloitte and Ahold Delhaize notes, the key here is that companies understand and respect their customers’ expectations around how their data will be used. 

After the presentation, participants discussed a case to explore the dynamics of sharing personal data for rewards. This sparked thought-provoking questions about the importance of companies’ motives behind such initiatives and their considerations to make these inclusive.

Inclusive language: the power of words

Karen Lampe, Diversity Equity & Inclusion Lead at Deloitte, explained that inclusive language aims to avoid biases and expressions that discriminate against groups of people based on race, gender, gender expressions or socioeconomic status. She presented five tips for using inclusive language:

  • Use gender-neutral language to avoid assuming a person’s gender (e.g., Chairperson instead of Chairman) 
  • Avoid derogatory terms, including words that are now considered offensive (e.g., words such as ‘crazy’, ‘lame’, or ‘retarded’)
  • Use person-first language (e.g., people with a disability instead of a disabled person) 
  • Avoid assumptions
  • Be respectful and listen – give space to others when they share words or phrases that they find harmful, and give space to adjust.

During a break-out discussion, participants shared their experiences with language that made them feel included or excluded. One mentioned example was the interchangeable use of the words ‘female’ and ‘women’. The term ‘female’ refers to someone’s biological sex and can exclude people who are trans, intersex or identify themselves as women and are biologically born otherwise. Therefore, we must strive to use the more inclusive term ‘women’ where possible (e.g., women employees rather than female employees). 

Another example is using saying ‘hi team’ instead of the commonly used ‘hi guys’ when addressing groups of people with diverse genders. Important here is to help people understand why some language might lead to a less inclusive environment, and give people space to adjust. Companies can also check out UN Global Compact’s Gender-Inclusive Language Toolkit.

The session showcased the power of collective learning and reflection, as well as the importance of individuals’ and companies’ commitment to create inclusive marketing and communications. 

 The final session of this year will be on January 18 on the topic of Male Allyship. Interested to join? Email

International Day of The Girl

International Day of The Girl

International Day of The Girl

Did you know that there has been little overall progress on gender equality at the global level between 2015 and 2020? According to the World Economic Forum it will take another 131 years to achieve it. Did you know that The Netherlands ranks 25th out of the 27 EU countries in the representation of women in management positions?

In partnership with Plan International, we will launch The International Day of The Girl campaign on 11 October. 

All around the world, girls and young women are discriminated against, just because they are girls. On the International Day of The Girl, girls claim their space — girls with a mission, girls that raise their voices and lead the way. Together we fight for equal rights and opportunities. Can we count on your support? Will your organization join us? 

Girls and young women can change the world when they get the chance. Show that you support equal opportunities for girls and (young) women. Amplifying our messages, organizing a Girl Takeover, and committing to the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs). 

Photo credits header: Ilvy Njiokiktjien/Plan International



Share our messages on your personal and company’s social media channels to spread awareness. 

Girl Takeover

Organize a Girl Takeover within your company to give young women the opportunity to take over the role of business leaders for a day. 


Show that your company’s commitment to gender equality goes beyond 11 October by signing the Women’s Empowerment Principles.

Want to learn more? Register for the virtual information session on Tuesday, 3 October from 10:00-11:00. The session is free and open for everyone. 

Amplify the message on social media

Share our messages on your personal and company’s social media channels. Please tag us in your messages and use the campaign hashtags.


LinkedIn: @Plan-Nederland & @UN-Global-Compact-Network-Netherlands 

Instagram: @PlanInternationalNL & @GlobalCompactNL

X/Twitter: @PlanNederland & @GlobalCompactNL


#DayOfTheGirl #IDG2023 #UnitingBusiness #GirlTheWorld 


of women in the Netherlands depend financially on a partner or the government


Only 13% of Dutch companies publish information about equal pay


of women in the Netherlands experience pregnancy discrimination at work

Girl Takeover

The global #GirlTakeover is a call to action for radical social and political change to tear down barriers of discrimination and prejudice that continue to hold girls and (young) women back.

Young women step into the roles of leaders for a day to draw attention to the fact that they should have the chance to decide over their own life and the world they live in. And they demonstrate that – when given the chance – they can become whatever they want to be. They advocate for equal opportunity and representation of girls and (young) women.

Selection of companies that has participated


The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are a set of seven principles offering guidance to businesses on how to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community.

These principles were established by the UN Global Compact and UN Women and are informed by international labour and human rights standards. The principles are grounded in the recognition that businesses have a stake in, and responsibility for, gender equality and women’s empowerment.

WEPs are a primary vehicle for corporate delivery on gender equality dimensions of the 2030 agenda and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Receive more information

Jamie Holton

Sr. Programme Manager Business & Human Rights and Gender Equality

Contact person for the International Day of The Girl campaign 

The UN Global Compact Network Netherlands recognizes Eva Gouwens for championing the Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Global Compact Network Netherlands recognizes Eva Gouwens for championing the Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Global Compact Network Netherlands recognizes Eva Gouwens for championing the Sustainable Development Goals

The Hague, 26 June 2023 — Last week, Eva Gouwens was recognized as the 2023 local SDG Pioneer by the UN Global Compact Network Netherlands. An SDG Pioneer is a business leader working at any level of their company, using business as a force for good to advance the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

“To me personally and to us at Fairphone, being sustainable has always meant to care about the planet, but also about the people affected by the products we make. I love that, at Fairphone, we work day in and day out on how to put the SDGs into practice in our business, in our products and services to make it easier for our users to put them into practice as well. We develop products that are made fair and kept in use longer – by making them easier to repair and recycle, but also by offering long support and a fair and sustainable design. Being named UN SDG pioneer for the Netherlands is a great honour and recognition for these efforts.” – Eva Gouwens, CEO at Fairphone

As the winner of the Local Round, Eva Gouwens will now compete in the Global Round along with other candidates for the title of 2023 UN Global Compact SDG Pioneers. The global winners will be announced this September 2023 during the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit.

“The SDG Pioneers programme recognizes the dedicated professionals that drive and innovate solutions through new technologies, initiatives and business models that can enable us to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. We hope their work will inspire others to advance the Global Goals by implementing our Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption,” said Sanda Ojiambo, CEO & Executive Director of the UN Global Compact

About the SDG Pioneers Programme

As a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General, the UN Global Compact works with companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with the Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Launched in 2000, the UN Global Compact guides and supports the global business community in advancing UN goals and values through responsible corporate practices. With more than 18,000 companies and 3,800 non-business signatories in 162 countries and 62 Local Networks, it is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world.

For more information, follow @un-global-compact-network-netherlands on social media and visit our website at

Changing role of the CFO

Changing role of the CFO

Interview with Javier van Engelen, CFO at Signify: Changing role of the CFO

Javier van Engelen (CFO at Signify) and United Nations Global Compact


30-03-2023: CFOs are the stewards of corporate finance. By coming together, they can advance their collective understanding of why sustainability-linked investments are key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and leverage billions of dollars in annual corporate investments to support the sustainability transition. 

UN Global Compact Network Netherlands spoke with Javier van Engelen, CFO at Signify, about the changing role of the CFO. 

‘’If CFOs want to properly address the challenges in sustainable finance, we need to collaborate to lobby for the right measures.’’

Javier, what is your vision of sustainability and the role of business therein?

Sustainability is not something we can have a debate about. It needs to be everyone’s focus moving forwards. There are three major parties involved in the sustainable transition: consumers, businesses, and governments. All have a crucial role to play. 

Companies are the drivers of innovation and are capable of informing both consumers and governments. Business is and will always be fueling innovation. For example, we went to the market with ultra-efficient LED lightbulbs that achieve 92% energy saving. If the private sector does not keep on innovating, our sustainable transition will stagnate.

When Signify innovates, technical knowledge of how a product contributes to the sustainability transition is developed within our company. We have a responsibility to inform our consumers and the governments of the contribution of our products.

What role does a CFO play in this? How does that express itself within Signify?

CFOs have a dual role in many businesses. We are part of a board of management and should act on that responsibility, but we also have the final responsibility for the financial management of the company. CFOs look at the risks for the company and subsequently derive strategies and ways to mitigate these risks. Centering sustainability in our operations means also centering it within our risk assessment and including it in our annual plans and long-term strategies. 

CFOs are also responsible for aligning (non-)financial targets and considering different investment choices. We must make decisions on where the business puts its money, whether in the sphere of innovation, production, or partnerships.

Where do you see the biggest challenges in the field of Sustainable Finance for the coming years?

I think the most important challenges within Sustainable Finance entail drawing and aligning a strong sustainability impact thesis, creating the right incentives in the market, and structuring communication and reporting. When looking at the impact thesis, I think the challenge is mainly centered around a culture change. Both supervisory boards, shareholders, and the investor base should be 100% convinced about the sustainability strategy. This requires the leadership team, and especially the CFO to be visionary and capable of sometimes decoupling the financial component from these sustainability challenges. When looking at creating the right reward systems and incentives, the challenge is especially big as I have not yet found proof that the market rewards sustainability through financial instruments which give an actual benefit. There are a lot of ESG-convertible bonds, but they don’t give a clear benefit. 

Focusing on communication and reporting, I think there is a huge challenge due to the lack of common standards and consistency. Creating a level-playing field for a listed company like Signify that needs to compete with non-European businesses is key.

Looking back on these challenges, I think the CFO Principles are a crucial instrument to tackle them. If all businesses and their CFOs commit to the Principles, drafting an impact thesis will become more straightforward, thought leadership on the creation of Corporate Finance reward systems will be advanced, and reporting and communication will become more transparent.

What has moved you to sign the CFO Principles for the SDGs?

As of now, CFOs are often still viewed as a bottleneck. The classical view regarding the CFO is that if the numbers cannot be justified, business cases aren’t viable. Current sustainability issues go way beyond this. CFOs need to be bold, daring, and future-oriented and that’s why I signed the CFO principles for the SDGs. Also, I believe that by collaborating we can swiftly advance on the previously discussed challenges, such as creating structural reward systems and a level playing field in communication and reporting. We should aim at creating a CFO 2.0 or CFO Green. A CFO with fiducial responsibility but an equal responsibility of focusing on directing investments towards sustainable innovations.

Looking at Signify, I work here because I fundamentally believe in what we are doing here. We’re maximizing the capacity and potential of light. We create brighter lives and move towards a better world. That inspired me because it brings technology together with what the planet needs. We innovate so we can move forward, whether it be improving crops with our solutions or decreasing crime rates in busy parks. These innovations are at least partially fueled by Corporate Finance. I believe there is a future where financial officers have a huge role to play, and the CFO Coalition for the SDGs can be a great contribution to this.

Could you explain the way Signify redirects investments to realizing the SDGs? 

To explain this, I will elaborate on our Brighter Lives, Better World Program. The purpose of this program is to unlock the extraordinary potential of light. The program is characterized by ‘doubling the impact’. We have four doubling initiatives. The first one entails climate action and CO2 footprint. We want to go at double the speed of the Paris Accord. We do this by focusing on a lot of internal initiatives but now also by focusing on scope three, so by critically analyzing our suppliers.

The second initiative entails circularity. We focus on a modular build where we can replace only certain elements instead of an entire product. 3D printing plays a crucial role in this. We want to increase this from 16% to 32% in all our products. Again, doubling. 

The third initiative focuses on food availability, safety & security, and health & well-being. All our initiatives in this scope focus on the positive influence of light on the livelihood of people. Think of projects like connected lighting in parks to decrease crime rates, or increase the mental health of people by mimicking outside lighting in offices. We call this last project Nature Connect. We want to bring the revenues from these initiatives where light can positively influence people from 16% to 32%. 

The fourth initiative is called A Great Place To Work. Our focus here is on gender and age diversity. We aim to bring women in leadership positions from 17% to 34% by 2025.


As of now, Signify is the only Dutch company to have signed the CFO Principles. Why is it important that other businesses follow Signify’s initiative and sign the principles?

I see the Netherlands as a progressive country that takes the lead and is home to many frontrunner companies. There’s the potential for so much innovation. However, if we want to properly address the sustainable finance challenges I laid out before, getting Dutch businesses to work together is crucial. Therefore, I urge companies to follow Signify’s example and sign the CFO Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. 

Javier van Engelen

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Member of the Board
of Management

Javier van Engelen has joined Signify as Chief Financial
Officer (CFO) in June 2020 and is a Member of the Board of Management since October 2020. Before Signify, he has held financial leadership positions at international FMCG, retail and pharmaceutical companies in listed, family owned and private equity environments. He most recently held the position of CFO for Grupo Telepizza, a EUR 1.2 billion food operator, ultimately leading the process to take the company private in 2019.

Prior to this, he was CFO of Jerónimo Martins, a EUR 15
billion listed food retailing company with over 90,000
employees. Javier also has a solid manufacturing and M&A background, stemming from the start of his career at Procter & Gamble, and subsequent CFO roles at AstraZeneca and Triumph

A Belgian and Portuguese national, Javier holds a master’s degree in Economics from the Antwerp
International Business School in Belgium.

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