Dutch businesses endorse sustainability in COVID-19 recovery

Dutch businesses endorse sustainability in COVID-19 recovery

Dutch businesses endorse sustainability in COVID-19 recovery

Over 250 companies have signed the statement ‘Dutch companies endorse sustainability in COVID-19 recovery’, in which they pledge support for taking sustainability as the cornerstone in the COVID-19 recovery plans. Led by Jan Peter Balkenende, chairman of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC), the statement is presented to Minister Kaag on June the 19th; the day on which the European Council will discuss the COVID-19 recovery plan.


The statement has Global Compact Network Netherlands drawn up in partnership with the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition, MVO Nederland, the Nederlanse Vereniging van Banken and VNO – NCW.


Read the statement



New CEO of UN Global Compact

New CEO of UN Global Compact

Secretary-General appoints Sanda Ojiambo of Kenya as United Nations Global Compact Executive Director

The Kenyan business leader will take over from Lise Kingo as Executive Director of the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative on June 17, 2020.

25 May, 2020 – António Guterres, Secretary – General of the United Nations, announced the appointment of Sanda Ojiambo as Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact on 22 May, 2020. She is the second woman in this position after Lisa Kingo. The Secretary -General is deeply grateful to Lise Kingo for her dedication and strategic leadership, for guiding the work of Global Compact and broadening the contribution of the Global Compact to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

Ms. Ojiambo, who assumes the role on June 17, 2020, will use her 20 years of experience to lead United Nations Global Compact into its next phase to mobilize a global movement of sustainable businesses and stakeholders and bring the full weight of the private sector to bear to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since 2010, she has served as Head of Sustainable Business and Social Impact at Safaricom Plc in Kenya. Ms. Ojiambo was also the Senior Manager of Safaricom and MPESA Foundations, Kenya from 2008 to 2010, In this role, she was responsible for the implementation of several cooperation initiatives between Safaricom and UN agencies. Throughout her career, she has built and managed important relationships with companies and civil society organizations, including her capacity development work in Somalia with UNDP and CARE International. Ms. Ojiambo holds a Master of Arts in Public Policy from the University of Minnesota, USA, and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and International Development from McGill University, Canada.

Lise Kingo with Sanda Ojiambo in September 2018 in New York.

Lise Kingo, who announced at the end of last year that she would be stepping down as Executive Director after five years in June, welcomed the Secretary-General’s appointment.

I am happy to hand over the baton to such a strong woman leader from the Global South to take the UN Global Compact into its next chapter. I have immense confidence that Sanda’s global experience, deep integrity, and inspiring vision will advance the impact of the UN Global Compact and accelerate our efforts to mobilize a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders to create the world we want,” she said.

Kingo will pass the baton to the next Executive Director on June 16, 2020 at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit. This event will celebrate the 20th anniversary of United Nations Global Compact. This Leaders Summit will bring together inspiring speakers, including CEOs, the United Nations, civil society organizations and academics. We are 26 hours together for a conversation in which we address various topics, including: “How can we rebuild more inclusive economies and societies to set a new course for a socially just, low-carbon and climate-resilient world, where no one is left behind?”

Read the new SDG report

Read the new SDG report

Read the new SDG report

Steeds meer bedrijven gaan bewust met de SDG’s aan de slag maar onvoldoende voortgang op kritische terreinen


20 mei 2020 – De Rijksoverheid en verschillende maatschappelijke sectoren hebben de vierde SDG-voortgangsrapportage ‘Nederland Ontwikkelt Duurzaam’ samengesteld die vandaag, op Verantwoordingsdag, naar de Tweede Kamer is gestuurd. Steeds meer bedrijven gaan bewust met de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) aan de slag, zo blijkt uit diverse studies. Met nog tien jaar te gaan, groeit echter ook het besef dat de huidige inzet opschaling en meer ambitie vereist. Op kritische terreinen zoals klimaatverandering en ongelijkheid, o.a. voor vrouwen, jongeren en werknemers, is er onvoldoende voortgang.


Global Compact Network Nederland schrijft elk jaar het bedrijfshoofdstuk van het rapport. Hierin wordt diverse bedrijfsnetwerken zoals VNO-NCW en MKB Nederland vertegenwoordigd.


Download het Nationale SDG Rapportage vindt je hier. (Dutch)

Download het Nationale SDG Rapportage vindt je hier. (English)

Watch the webinar ‘CSR in Times of Corona’ online

Watch the webinar ‘CSR in Times of Corona’ online

Watch the webinar ‘CSR in Times of Corona’ online
Yesterday, the by Global Compact Network Netherlands organized, webinar took place. During this webinar we spoke about the various topics. Such as,“What do the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact say?” and “What can we learn from this in the way you handly your employees, suppliers, clients and the customes?”
The speakers where David Vermijs from Shift, Alexandra van Selm from SER and Rutgere Goethart from HEINEKEN. They havee their view on these questions.
In case you’ve missed the webinar, you can watch it online. Fill in the form, and you’ll be automatically send to the webinar. NB: the main language is Dutch.

The submission period for the SDG Pioneers campaign has been extended!

The submission period for the SDG Pioneers campaign has been extended!

The submission period for the SDG Pioneers campaign has been extended!

Due to the current circumstances, we have decided to extend the submission period for the SDG Pioneer campaign. Door de huidige omstandigheden is de periode dat u zich kunt aanmelden voor de SDG Pioneers campagne verlengd. Sign up now for the campaign till 15 May 2020.

We understand that in times of crisis, your mind and hands are needed elsewhere – particularly as SDG Pioneers Therefore, we would like to give the opportunity to those who have been preoccupied with crisis-relief measures to still apply and become the SDG Pioneer of the Netherlands 2020.

So, are you setting ambitious SDG-targets?Sing up!Or is there someone who works within your company who is?Nominate him or herto become the Dutch SDG Pioneer of 2020.

Read more about the SDG Pioneers campaign »

do you have questions about the SDG Pioneers campaign? Please don’t hessitate to contact us. You can contact our colleague Elena Linkweiler for the campaign via linkweiler@unglobalcompact.nl

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