A Trifecta of Drivers is Accelerating Sustainable Business

A Trifecta of Drivers is Accelerating Sustainable Business

A Trifecta of Drivers is Accelerating Sustainable Business

Marco Swan

Program Manager, Global Compact Network Netherlands

The pendulum has swung to the other side; it is now a higher risk for business to be lacking behind on sustainability, than to be a front-runner. A trifecta of drivers is accelerating sustainable business even more in this decisive decade: the judicialization of sustainability, purpose-oriented young talent, and sustainable finance flows.


After a false start of what has been coined the Decade of Action by the UN Secretary-General,[1] and while coming to terms with the fact that we must learn to live with COVID-19, it is clear that the only way forward for humanity is to start living within environmental and social boundaries. With nationalist and populist forces destabilizing (geo)politics around the world, society is looking at the business community to show leadership.[2] There are hopeful signs that we are on the brink of an acceleration towards sustainable business reaching a critical mass in the global economy .

Judicialization of Sustainability

From a risk-perspective the judicialization of sustainability has become prominent, with new legislation being introduced in national parliaments as well as the EU, and a barrage of environmental and social court cases brought by citizens towards companies are to be expected. From 2023 onwards, the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will require many corporations to report against ESG metrics, and be audited.[3] This will help stakeholders to evaluate and encourage companies to become more sustainable. Recent court cases have asserted that companies have a responsibility to protect human rights deep into their supply chains, and even if governments are not doing enough themselves. We can expect copycat legal action against companies and financial institutions with the usage of this argument for both environmental and social responsibilities in countries around the world.[4]

Purpose-oriented Young Talent

More than ever, there’s a big shift in career direction. Young generations are more purpose-driven when it comes to their career choices and this has a direct impact on attracting and retaining talent. We already see that oil and gas firms are facing a workforce shortage. According to a recent survey more than half of the workers in that sector seeks to move into the renewable energy industry, and in recruitment the applications per vacancies remain low[5]. At the same time this means that companies which embrace sustainability at their core are able to attract the best and brightest without having to pay top dollar. Generation Z is the first generation to prioritize purpose over salary.[6]

Sustainable Finance Flows

Global ESG assets are on track to exceed $53 trillion by 2025, representing more than a third of the $140,5 trillion in projected total assets under management.[7] According to the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) 2021 will be a record-breaking year with reaching the half trillion mark in annual green bond investment.[8] The EU’s taxonomy and Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), together with other taxonomies around the world will aim to prevent greenwashing in sustainable finance. From 2022, investors that offer funds in Europe described as “environmentally sustainable” will need to explain how, and to what extent, they have used the taxonomy in determining the sustainability of the underlying investments[9]. This way large investors will push private sector companies more to address climate change, diversity and other important societal challenges.

Sustainability is not only a moral imperative, but it’s good business. Companies that act fast will have the biggest competitive advantages. Those that don’t act, or too slow, may no longer exist in the next decade.

Mpanzu Bamenga wins human rights award

Mpanzu Bamenga wins human rights award

Mpanzu Bamenga wins human rights award

Each year, the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights recognizes someone on the Internationale Human Rights Day. A pioneer who commits in an innovative way to human rights.

This year, the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights shines a light on pioneers that are active in the battles against racism. The winner is someone who has made a positive impact in the battles against racism. As a part of the awards, the Netherlands Insititute for Human Rights offers the winner a network and platform to fight racism together.

The prize is awarded on 10 December 2021. This year, the awards went to Mpanzu Bamenga. Get to know Mpanzu and his work.


Mpanzu, please introduce yourself

“My name is Mpanzu Bamenga, a protagonist of fundamental values and human rights. I work as coordinator and teammanager of the ‘Regiegroep Ongedocumenteerden Amsterdam.’ We work together with Governmental partners, municipal and social partners with a sustainable perspective (return to the country of origin, onward migration or residence in the Netherlands) for undocumented migrants. We do this by directing, supervising, organizing cooperation, conducting research and monitoring the progress and results of policy implementation. In the period where we work to get a sustainable perspective for undocumented care, participation and counseling. Furthermore, I am Councilor in Eindhoven, Coordinator and Co-founder of Inclusion Leaders Network (Incleaders), and am Board Member at the SDG Young Leaders Network. “

“Everyone deserves a fair chance to build a bright future.”

About six months ago, you sued the State together with colleagues to make ethnic profiling illegal. What is the current status of this case and what are the next steps?

“In April 2018, I was detained at Eindhoven Airport. In June 2021, I filled a complaint. In November 2018 was the hearing. In January 2019 my complaint was declared well-founded. In February 2020 the Court case started against the State. In June 2021 was the hearing. In September 2021 was the judgment. This month we will appeal this month. I expect the hearing within 9 months and hope to have a judgment before the end of 2022. Last November, the Marechaussee indicated that they want to stop with ethnic profiling. This is a good step forward. I applaud it and hope that other implementing organizations will follow. However, this will not end ethnic profiling. The judge still legitimizes it, the military police indicate that they like it, even if they want to stop, that they have the space to be able to do it, and there is still no general ban. All of these are reasons enough to continue the fight against ethnic profiling. At the end of November I appealed to Members of Parliament to put an end to ethnic profiling during the round table discussion on ethnic profiling and in 2022 we want to appeal to the Court of Appeal in The Hague to impose a general ban and in this way put an end to ethnic profiling by the Chamber.”


What does an inclusive Netherlands look like for you?

“The Netherlands that makes full use of the diversity of society and potential of all citizens. The Netherlands where everyone can be themselves, participate and decide. The Netherlands where everyone is treated fairly and equally, regardless of color, sex, sexual orientation, and religion. Everyone deserves a fair chance to build a bright future.“

Stakeholder Inclusion Workshop

Stakeholder Inclusion Workshop

Stakeholder Inclusion Workshop

Deepen relationships and enhance your impact

Realize the Significance of Stakeholder Inclusion

Corporates make huge impact on society through their actions. They have the power to influence stakeholders who can further impact Sustainable Development Goals within our society. For a sustainable world, it is therefore necessary for companies to work together with their stakeholders.

Through the method of a stakeholder inclusion workshop we bring together methods for stakeholders sitting in corporate board rooms to reflect on their own perspective and the perspective of others under various scenarios.

Enhance your impact

Within your organization, increase the understanding of the significance of stakeholder inclusion.

Learn about perspectives and various interests of stakeholders and different strategies to improve stakeholder inclusion.

Reflect on your own behavioural dilemmas and how stakeholder inclusion ties into those. Explore strategies to improve stakeholder inslusion.

UN Global Compact

About the workshop

Many companies reflect insufficiently on how their behaviour affects their stakeholders and what potential benefits can come from closer collaboration with different stakeholders. This causes issues in terms of increasing temperatures, environmental issues, and human rights violations. The stakeholder inclusion workshop empowers you to reach your sustainability goals by simulating guided stakeholder discussions through cases with particular challenges.

How to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals

It is the role of business in society to contribute to creating a better world and turn the challenges into opportunities as well, creating jobs and prosperity. The only way we can do this and address the SDGs is via a stakeholder approach where businesses, governments, academia, NGOs and civil society work together. “By us all, for us all”, as the SDGs say. Each of us must play to

their strengths, whilst building coalitions with others with different perspectives, interests and needs. The workshop therefore helps to strengthen the ties between your company and your stakeholders. So that you can contribute to achieving the SDGs together.

Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals

The workshop flow

Through the cases in the workshop, the participants can experience a challenging situation, in which they are required to be creative and solve problems together. The approaches and challenges provide inspiration and a creative mindset that can then be applied to the organization’s own dilemmas.

The workshop comes with a manual, so you can set up and run the workshop independently. Would you rather have professional guidance for your workshop? Please contact one of our consultants.

Cases in the workshop

Fashion industry

The fast fashion industry has a common reputation of violating human rights by employing under-aged children, exploiting women and underpaying the employees in developing countries. With this case scenario, the goal is to understand how high-power, high-interest stakeholders impact stakeholders with low-power.

The goal of this game scenario is to improve understanding between stakeholders which not only have varied interests but also varied degree of power that they possess.

Carbon Neutral Logistics

With the impact of climate change increasing world-wide, every government across the world is aiming to reduce carbon emissions. The Netherlands is also one of those countries which aims to reduce emissions drastically in all sectors by coordinating with the Transport branch organization and various companies.

The goal of this game scenario is to understand the dynamics when stakeholders have almost similar interests however have different degrees of power.

Theoretical background

The development of this workshop is based on a research-based model on stakeholder inclusion. The research was conducted by Global Compact Network Netherlands, with the support of employers’ organisation VNO-NCW. It studied stakeholder involvement by Dutch companies. This research shows that companies that actively involve their stakeholders in their organization’s decision making are successful in implementing solutions for societal challenges, as expressed by the SDGs. Political and social stakeholders are also expected to be more involved in the business. In this publication Global Compact Network Netherlands provides a model and a practical questionnaire for companies to raise their stakeholder inclusion to a higher level.

Sustainable Development Goals

Internship / Project Manager, Young Professionals Program (YPP)

Internship / Project Manager, Young Professionals Program (YPP)

Position Title: Internship / Project Manager, Young Professionals Program (YPP)

Location: The Hague, the Netherlands


The UN Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, and has an unparalleled global reach and the exclusive opportunity to activate a diverse network of businesses to advance sustainable development in collaboration with investors, Government, UN and civil society stakeholders.

The Young Professionals Program is an advanced leadership program based on experienced-based learning (EBL). During a period of 12 months multidisciplinary teams of young talented professionals from different organizations work on delivering an innovative SDG project while learning about team dynamics and leadership skills.

As a trainee you will fulfill the role as YPP Project Manager will be responsible for supporting the effort to include the YPP into the learning and development portfolios of member companies of Global Compact Network Netherlands (GCNL).

Candidates should have exceptional communication and collaboration skills, be passionate about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and preferentially have experience in or a strong connection with the field of Human Resources / Learning and Development.



  • Coordinate and support the successful inclusion of YPP in the L&D programs portfolio of member companies

  • Support the organization of in-person and virtual meetings with companies, including, the design and delivery of presentations, reports and other materials about YPP

  • Involvement with the new YPP recruitment campaign for May and October 2022

  • Other duties and projects, as applicable


    • Bachelor or higher in Human Resources, Learning and Development, Sustainability, Business Administration or related field

    • Excellent communicator in Dutch and English, both verbally and writing

    • Experience in client-facing role with strong stakeholder management skills

    • Flexible and service-oriented team player with can-do and eager-to-learn attitude

DURATION: February-July 2022 (3 days per week). Option to write MSc thesis on topic internship.

COMPENSATION: €500 per month

SUPPORT:During your traineeship you will work closely together with and you will receive professional support from Marco Swan (Program Manager YPP) and Jan van den Herik (Program Director YPP and Executive Team Coach)

RECRUITMENT PROCESS: Please include the below documents in your email submission to Linda van Beek, Executive Director Global Compact Network Netherlands, beek@unglobalcompact.nl before 31 December 2021:

Internship / Project Manager, Young Professionals Program (YPP)

Internship / Project Manager, Global Goals

Position Title: Internship / Project Manager, Global Goals

Location: The Hague, the Netherlands


The United Nations Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, and has an unparalleled global reach and the exclusive opportunity to activate a diverse network of businesses to advance sustainable development in collaboration with investors, Government, UN and civil society stakeholders.

Throughout the year Global Compact Network Netherlands organizes many campaigns and events to stimulate awareness and action towards the Sustainable Development Goals, such as the SDG Pioneer Campaign, the SDG Flag Initiative, the launch of the National SDG Report, and more. Moreover, in our 2022-2024 strategy it is a key objective to become and be recognized as the Centre of Excellence regarding the SDGs in business.

As a trainee you will fulfill the role of Global Goals Project Manager, in which you will be responsible for supporting the actions and campaigns to simulate awareness and action towards the SDGs for business. In this way you directly contribute to our ambition to accelerate and upscale impact towards achieving Agenda 2030.

Candidates should have exceptional communication and collaboration skills, be passionate about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and preferentially have practical experience in or a strong connection to project management, communication, events management, and/or marketing activities.



  • Coordinate and support the 2022 SDG Pioneer Campaign and the launch event for the National SDG Report 2021
  • Support and represent the organization during in-person and virtual meetings with stakeholders, including, the design and delivery of presentations, reports and other materials.
  • Involvement with preparations for the 2022 SDG Flag Day for September 2022.
  • Other duties and projects, as applicable


    • Bachelor or higher in a relevant field (e.g. Marketing, Business, Communication, Sustainability)
    • Excellent communicator in Dutch and English, both verbally and writing
    • Practical experience with project management
    • Flexible and service-oriented team player with can-do and eager-to-learn attitude

DURATION: February-July 2022 (3 days per week). Option to write MSc thesis on topic internship.

COMPENSATION:€500 per month

SUPPORT:During your traineeship you will work closely together with and you will receive professional support from Marco Swan (Program Manager) and Linda van Beek (Executive Director)

RECRUITMENT PROCESS: Please include the below documents in your email submission to Linda van Beek, Executive Director Global Compact Network Netherlands, beek@unglobalcompact.nl before 31 December 2021:

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