Participant survey 2023
Participant survey 2023
Thank you for filling in the Participant Survey 2023!
We are grateful for the valuable feedback we have received from our 36 respondents, which helps us to shape our programming in 2024 and beyond. Mostly larger companies (75%) completed the questionnaire. We are proud to see that 92% of the respondents would recommend UN Global Compact to others. Moreover, our events, Accelerators and The Academy are widely known, whereas participants appeared to be less familiar with our Peer Learning Groups. At the same time the unique opportunity of peer learning and the exchange of knowledge and best practices was often mentioned as the key value proposition of the UN Global Compact. Interested in joining a safe space for companies to share their best practices and challenges on a variety of sustainability topics? Click here! Furthermore, Gender Equality and Climate are the topics the respondents would value support on the most. Lastly, many respondents indicated their CEOs would like to be more involved. We will focus on organising high-level events to raise collective ambition.
Would you like to know more or ask any questions about the Participant Survey? Please get in touch with our Participant Engagement Officer Linde Reus at